пʼятниця, 22 травня 2020 р.
Hockey vs. Football Essay - 759 Words
Hockey vs. Football Football and hockey are two sports, which are similar in objective, but very different in their rules and guidelines. In each of these major sports there are rules and guidelines that the players must follow. The topics that will be covered are the weight differences between the players in football and hockey, the use of Creatine Monohydrate, and last the equipment restrictions. This first paragraph will discuss the weight difference between the players in the NFL (football) and the NHL (hockey). Although there is no written rule as to how much a player can weigh in either of the sports, there is the unwritten rule that the players and coaches follow. The average hockey player weighs about 185 pounds. The†¦show more content†¦This substance was used in the NFL until 2 years ago when the governing board of the NFL ruled that Creatine is a steroid type substance that gives the athlete using it a substantial edge in quickness, strength, and endurance over the players who choose not to use it. If a player is caught using the substance he will be suspended for the same amount of time, as he would be if he were using the â€Å"real†anabolic steroids. Yet the NHL’s board of governors has not even voted upon this same substance. It is a proven fact that the NHL players using Creatine have gained on average 15 – 20 pounds of muscle in a s little as 2.5 months. The players have also been injured less when using the substance. This last paragraph will talk about the equipment restrictions between the NHL and the NFL. Hockey has a lot of restrictions that the players must follow. Each piece of equipment worn has a size restriction on it. Goalies are watched more carefully than the players are because last year in the NHL the goals a game average went from 7.5 to 5. The NHL did an investigation and found out that some goalie equipment was almost twice as big as it was when they last did an investigation in the early 90’s. If a player is caught breaking the rules on equipment size, he will receive a 2-minute penalty. If the player is a repeat offender he can receive (fourth infraction) a 1 game suspension. The NFL does notShow MoreRelatedSoccer Popular Sport1035 Words  | 5 Pagesnot the most popular sport. Soccer is viewed as a sport that isn’t very popular. Worldwide though there are 4 billion people who play the sport of football/soccer. Worldwide soccer is called football except in the U nited States where it is called soccer. The most popular sports in the united States are hockey, basketball, baseball and american football. Soccer isn’t even in the top five of most popular sports in the United States. 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In fact, Canada has truly lost its true identity that we once knew. It is slowly being assimilated and in fact Americanized; in aspects of social identity, national identity, and cultural identity.      First, Canada is being slowly Americanized; in its social identity. When we talk about a countrys social identity, we examine a few areas. First is theRead MoreAmerican Football Vs European Football1050 Words  | 5 PagesAmerican football vs European football (soccer) On November 1869, Princeton and Rutgers played the first intercollegiate football game in New Brunswick, New Jersey, using a soccer-style game with rules adapted from the London Football Association (Michael Oriard 2017). American football is a combination of two English sport, rugby and soccer. In term of popularity, soccer is most popular sport in the world, whereas American football is only popular in the United States. American Football and soccerRead MoreAnalysis Of Maya Angelou s Novel, Champion Of The World Essay979 Words  | 4 Pagesit was a racial battle; black vs. white. When Louis was losing the fight, Angelou compared it to racial struggles. â€Å"My race groaned. It was our people falling. It was another lynching, yet another Black man hanging on a tree†(Angelou, 486). Marratta’s article reveals her newly found interest in ice hockey and her views on sexual discrimination and negative treatment of women in sports, as players, fans, as well as announcers. â€Å"[T]hose outside this group [of hockey] did not and have not acceptedRead MoreNature vs. Nurture in Sport 1248 Words  | 5 Pagesmakes a good athlete? What separates a person on the 1st line up from a bench warmer? Where does athleticism come from? Is it from our genes, or is it a product of the environment we live in? These are the types of questions that arise in the nature vs. nurture debate pertaining about athletic ability. 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четвер, 7 травня 2020 р.
Sexual Harassment Case - 609 Words
Scenario #1 Sexual Harassment David, a company supervisor at the ABC Investment Group, was responsible for conducting periodic reviews and evaluations of his subordinates. During a private evaluation meeting with one of his female employees, Cheryl, David got up from his seated position behind his desk and leaned against the front of his desk immediately in front of Cheryls chair. David indicated that he was not inclined to recommend Cheryl for the promotion she sought despite her good performance, but said that he might reconsider if she took care of the kid. When Cheryl expressed confusion at what he meant, David gestured toward his crotch and complimented her on the shape of her lips, asking if she knew what those kinds of lips are called. Horrified, Cheryl immediately pushed her chair back and ran out of his office. She reported the incident immediately to Davids supervisor. Sexual harassment is expressly prohibited by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (Fossum 2008, 512). This type of quid pro quo sexua l harassment by a supervisor of a subordinate leaves the company with little choice. The company could face serious liability for failing to take action in the event David ever repeated his conduct with another employee in the future. Pursuant to its zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment (Fossum 2008, 512), the employer immediately fired David. Given the statutory basis of liability and the nature of the act, it is unlikely that David could keepShow MoreRelatedEssay on Sexual Harassment Case1276 Words  | 6 PagesSexual Harassment Case The Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions (EEOC) sexual harassment guidelines and the Civil Act of 1964, indicate that Susan Parker was indeed sexually harassed throughout her employment at Plastech Industries. The EEOC has created a set of guidelines that determine liability. These EEOC guidelines say that A key factor in determining liability is whether the employer has an effective internal grievance procedure that allows employees to bypass immediate supervisorsRead MoreA Case Study on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace2334 Words  | 10 PagesRunning Head: SEXUAL HARASSMENT A Case Study on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Tami Oostema Prepared for Davenport University Online English 110: Advanced Composition October 13, 2011 Executive Summary The case involves a woman named Paula who is being sexually harassed by a coworker named Richard at her place of employment. Paula is new to the company. She has only been employed there for three months. When Paula looked in the employee’s handbook, she discovered thatRead MoreSexual Harassment - Case Study 21437 Words  | 6 Pages Sexual Harassment – Case study 2 Stephanie K. Allen Business 2130 Employment Law for Business February 8, 2015 Dr. Hamid Kazeroony â€Æ' â€Å"Men believe we should have laws against sexual harassment, but their hostile reaction toward women who sued successfully for sexual harassment shows that they are, in fact, threatened by the law. The criminalization of the woman reimagines the men as victims and the woman as a perpetrator†(Tinkler, 2012, p. 37). This quote speaks to the heart of the Vinson-vs-TaylorRead MoreSexual Harassment Case Between Cordoza Vs. Foodservice Inc.1706 Words  | 7 PagesThe sexual harassment case between Cordoza vs. Foodservice Inc., Creative Marketing Solutions and Harrison is a very sticky case that needs to be decided. I have read all the material given about all the different cases in the past where it shows clearly it is very hard to convict someone of sexual harassment. You have to keep a lot of things in mind when you are deciding what you think the outcome if this case should be. To begin I will start trying to determine my thoughts on the outcome of theRead MoreEssay about Commerce Case Study Report for David Jones Sexual Harassment3214 Words  | 13 PagesAssessment 3: Case Study Report Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – David Jones and Pricewaterhouse Coopers Kristy van Duin, Li Yutao, Pablo Arenas, Jace Burgess Executive Summary The following report looks at the increase of Sexual Harassment claims within Corporate Australia that have been lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission over the last decade. David Jones Pty Ltd and Pricewaterhouse Cooper are two prevalent cases which have attracted negative media with regard to Sexual HarassmentRead MoreThe Case Of Sexual Harassment Essay2341 Words  | 10 Pagesallegations of sexual harassment reports CBC News. The story can be viewed on CBC website (www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/sask-nurse-marlon-gonzales-hearing-1.3765378). Sexual harassment is always an ongoing battle for individuals, and this new case may help those who are unaware of their right stand up and fight back. The of the co-workers (Jane Does) v. Marlon Gonzales presents the opportunity to interpret the legal processes necessary in determining a decision for sexual harassment in SaskatchewanRead MoreUber Sexual Harassment Case Study1264 Words  | 6 PagesProblem 1 Sexual harassment is a problem that human resource managers are struggling to solve every day. Recently Uber has fired over 20 employees due to a sexual harassment investigation, which started in November 2016, it is uncommon for a company to release so many employees from one sexual harassment claim but that’s because the human resource department didn’t know how to solve this problem. (Solon, 2017). Uber isn’t the only company struggling to find ways to deal with sexual harassment in theRead MoreEssay on Sexual Harassment Case Study1211 Words  | 5 PagesIndividual Case Study #1 1. Is there a case of sexual harassment in this situation or is it only fun? This is a case of sexual harassment because; the words and actions of fellow employees ultimately made Rosetta quit her job. The technical definition of harassment is when members of an organization treat an employee in a different manner due to that person’s sex, race, religion, age, and etc. Harassment also includes unwelcomed remarks or jokes which make the employee feel uncomfortable.Read MoreForms of Sexual Harassment: A Case Study651 Words  | 3 PagesUnder federal law there are two distinct forms of sexual harassment (Paul, 1990). The first form is known as quid pro quo harassment and in order for an action of this form to be successful there must be involvement by a supervisor or other person in authority. The fact that Sam, the alleged harasser, is in a supervising position raises the possibility that his behavior toward Paula may be considered quid pro quo sexual harassment. The fact that Paula has reportedly requested that Sam stop approachingRead MoreSexual Har assment At The Workplace1697 Words  | 7 PagesSexual Harassment in the Workplace Eva L. Mendez-Zacher MG260, Business Law I 28 September 2014 Dr. Anita Whitby Abstract I’m conducting a study on Sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment is possible in all social and economic classes, ethnic groups, jobs and places in the community. Through this study I hope to clarify the common misconception that sexual harassment is an isolated female problem. Although the majority of the cases reported are in fact male on female
середа, 6 травня 2020 р.
Advantages of Online Shopping Free Essays
Advantages of online shopping: Online shopping is accessible round the clock. You can buy whatever you want even at 3 a. m. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages of Online Shopping or any similar topic only for you Order Now in the morning. You can choose from a wider variety of things available for you to shop which may not be available in the local brick and mortar stores. You also have the benefit to do all from the comfort of your own home. When you buy from online store you have the comfort to take your time while checking for the things of your choice, this will lead you to a simple and quick way to perform price comparison unlike the dissatisfied and hurried shopping you do in the local stores. In addition, unlike local stores, you can avail discount coupons and get a thing at a lower rate when shopping online. Besides, when shopping online you can also avoid long lines to wait in and the unnecessary contact with cranky people. If you feel uncomfortable dragging your kids for shopping, online shopping is the best way to counter that. Most of us are sometimes concerned with private shopping; online shopping offers you a great platform to do so with comfort. Also, when you are buying gifts, online mode is the perfect way to send your distant friends or relatives the gift you wanted to send. When it comes to payment, you can use anyone’s credit card when shopping online. A lot of us are concerned about the identity theft when hear about online shopping. Identity theft cases take place in reality in brick and mortar store itself and not online. Websites are secure these days with powerful encryption procedures that keep your identity safe and secure. Although there are a few where your information may not be secure, you can take a peaceful breathe when dealing with the vast majority of online shopping website. Consider websites that offer free shipping and this is definitely the way to go. As the price of gas is increasing, shipping and handling might be cheaper anyway. Disadvantages of online shopping: Although online shopping is 24/7 available, you cannot feel or touch items rather can just see what is present on a webpage whereas in brick and mortar stores you can see many things at a glance and buy after you feel or touch the product. As the term suggests, online shopping is only possible through the internet, therefore, the connection speed matter a lot here. Unlike conventional stores which don’t close unexpectedly, online stores incurs frequent malfunction. The most common grumble people have with online stores is regarding warranties and some sort of guarantees, which they fail to offer in most cases. Apparently, these would mean nothing if the online store went bankrupt. Similarly returns are also very much difficult on online stores than in local stores. It very normal that many online stores don’t accept cash or checks, although some sites do, you still have to use the credit cards. When purchasing online, billing errors are the common things you may encounter whereas in local stores these errors are nearly impossible. The very big disadvantage an online website may have is the credit card security issue, despite the fact that how secure the website claims to be, you can not always trust them. There have been many cases where people realized that their credit card number has been stolen and has been used by others. The bottom line is, online shopping is the ultimate solution people are finding today, but conventional stores are still here to stay. How to cite Advantages of Online Shopping, Essay examples
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