понеділок, 24 серпня 2020 р.
Perceptions of Reality in the Matrix Essay Example for Free
Impression of Reality in the Matrix Essay The topic of ‘reality’ has consistently interested individuals all through the world. It has been seen as substantial and definite and yet seriously helpless. The frailties of ‘reality’ have been uncovered by the many varying manners by which it very well may be seen. These distinctions of observation can be credited to variables, for example, age, sex, nationality, religion, and political perspectives, all of which modify the manner in which we process what is introduced to us as ‘facts’ by our faculties. It has been contemplated, that each living individual, or individual that has ever lived must have a special feeling of the real world, a state of recognition so custom fitted to their own character that it would never be shared precisely with any other individual. Having thought about this thought, one may show up at an essential arrangement that there was nothing of the sort as a mutual reality. Moreover, the word ‘reality’ should just be utilized probably and just precisely corresponding to a particular individual’s perspective regarding a matter. Notwithstanding, having come to this end result one may become mindful that permitting singular truths isn't an answer, it only brings up more issues. The mind is an unpredictable organ depending on normally delivered endorphins and synthetic concoctions, for example, serotonin to keep up a condition of insightful ordinariness, on the off chance that this compound equalization is modified, at that point the people view of the truth are additionally liable to change. How is the truth of the individual influenced in the event that they are experiencing sorrow? Is it the depressing or the confident that frames the truth for that person? How are we to see the distinctions that happen in the psyche when inebriated through medications or liquor? These are mind boggling factors that would require tending to so as to explain the subject of ‘reality’. The arrival of the Wachowski Brothers’ film The Matrix is one reason an ever increasing number of individuals started to address what ‘reality’ truly is. This sci-fi film presents that our general surroundings is a hallucination. What we see to be the truth is in certainty a PC reenactment called ‘The Matrix’, which is inputted straightforwardly into our cerebrums causing us to accept that we are livingnormal lives when in actuality our dormant bodies are giving warmth to control the machines which, following quite a while of human assistance got canny enough to have assumed control over the world. Notwithstanding the fundamental addressing of reality inside the story line, The Matrix investigates the significance of different zones worried about view of reality, for example, dreams and destiny. Coming as it did at the finish of the twentieth century, The Matrix manages the ultra-present day and a prophetically calamitous perspective on the world. When it was thought by numerous that the finish of a period was drawing closer, with ‘The Millennium’, subliminal apprehensions emerged. While propels in innovation have left us less to fear than at any other time as far as injury and ailment, innovation itself fills the void. For this situation, The Matrix manages the basic dread of an over reliance on machines. When the world everywhere was worried about the impacts of ‘The Millennium Bug’ machines turning on people was, to approximately, a substantial concern. While not focusing on the probability of machines assuming control over, the developing part they play in building and keeping up our truths is imperative to consider. Where do we adhere to a meaningful boundary between what we see as ‘reality’ and a PC created portrayal that might be more ‘real’ than the first? In responding to this inquiry one may allude to crafted by Aldous Huxley, explicitly The Doors of Perception, so as to give a view into the hugeness of improved psychedelic real factors. Expanding on the possibility of synthetically upgraded reality one can inspect, utilizing the works of Jean Baudrillard, the degree to which misleadingly made reality, as far as media introduction, has influenced our impression of the real world. One may likewise allude to Baudrillard’s take a shot at simulacra to investigate the hugeness of duplication and proliferation on generally held thoughts of the real world. In view of this the possibility of ‘reality’ might be investigated as being refined into a Matrix of twofold code and assuming this is the case, what does that enlighten us concerning our apparently natural real factors? It is these inquiries, alongside various others that one would like to answer when considering the various impression of reality in the film The Matrix. Some may likewise analyze in detail how the human brain has adjusted to the outside world, how ‘reality’ has been built to give a worthy stage on which to live, how that reality might be kept up and at last the essentialness of how it might be subverted. The significance of a strong base on which to develop the occasions of regular daily existence is obvious all through writing. The principal lines of The Bible read: â€Å"In the starting God made the paradise and the earth. Also, the earth was without structure and void†. To have this announcement at the earliest reference point of The Bible delineates the human need to sort out the world into a conspicuous reality where the obscure can be clarified. In early occasions the making of the world was, from a logical perspective, a puzzle. So as to make a base on which to manufacture their real factors, humankind concocted clarifications for the making of the world. Much as God formed the unclear earth into its present structure, humanity molded a conviction framework as critical to life as the world itself. After 2,000 years, the issues of the truth are as yet uncertain and new inquiries are being raised. In scriptural occasions, man was extraordinary in his capacity to reason and impart musings and thoughts. He was God’s picked subject and the explanation the world and all its ‘realities’ had been made. Nowadays, machines and PCs structure such an enormous piece of our lives that mankind’s uniqueness is raised doubt about. PCs currently perform complex estimations a large number of times quicker than the human mind and can take activities dependent on those computations with response times far ahead of time of human physiological characteristics. Notwithstanding territories where machines have been made better than human abilities, the differentiation among man and machine has gotten obscured: â€Å"What is genuine? How would you characterize genuine? In the event that you’re discussing what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, at that point genuine is basically electrical signs deciphered by your cerebrum. †Here the association is made between the universe of man and the universe of machines. We are as subject to electronic data as the PCs and machines that we have made. All the more fundamentally, if outer upgrades can be coded into electrical driving forces that our cerebrums decode, can higher manners of thinking and feelings be also combined? It is here where we understand the likenesses between the physiology and innovation that the name ‘The Matrix’, credited in the film. As it is appeared in the film, the augmented experience PC program which was taken care of to the people is very huge. The foundation of the word ‘matrix’ is the Latin word for ‘mater’ significance mother, pluralized to ‘matris’ implying at the basest level, various bellies or creatures kept explicitly to raise. Further definitions are recorded as: 1) A form wherein a thing is thrown or molded. 2) A situation or substance wherein a thing is created, a belly. 3) In math it is a rectangular cluster of components in lines and sections that is treated as a solitary component 4) In science is it characterized as the substance between cells or in which structures are implanted. 5) Computing a matrix like cluster of interconnected circuit components. It is intriguing to take note of that the word can allude to both the natural idea of growth and birth and furthermore the electronic code utilized by a computerized camera recording the procedure. Also, in its first definition, the word is utilized according to fabricate and duplication. The determination of the word ‘matrix’ for use in the film is along these lines deliberately picked, and is exact in portraying the various capacities that ‘The Matrix’ performs inside the film beside the primary part of making a living, ‘real’ world from electronic code. In proposing a world that is totally fabricated from a code, The Matrix addresses what we base our real factors upon just as the noteworthiness of the truth that is introduced. The idea of one’s environmental factors being built from PC code is hard to handle and as per the film, hard to actualize. As indicated by Agent Smith, when the machines previously oppressed people, â€Å"The first Matrix was intended to be an ideal human world, where none endured, where everybody would be glad. It was a fiasco. Nobody would acknowledge the program. Whole yields were lost. Some accepted we did not have the programming language to portray your ideal world. Yet, I accept that as an animal types, individuals characterize their world through wretchedness and languishing. The ideal world was a fantasy that your crude cerebrum kept attempting to wake up from. †Interestingly, this part of ‘The Matrix’ echoes The Bible as far as The Garden of Eden. Similarly as Adam and Eve couldn't live in heaven, it is recommended that the human cerebrum develops its existence dependent on interest, chain of command and languishing. The human brain is curious and the award for progress is headway among one’s friends, the discipline for disappointment is languishing. Moreover, this idea is additionally a base for the way in which Buddhism builds reality, the Four Noble Truths: 1) That presence is languishing. 2) That all enduring is brought about by numbness
субота, 22 серпня 2020 р.
George W. Bush Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
George W. Shrub - Essay Example This had an effect on the life of the youthful Bush. He additionally went far and wide requesting gifts and help from influential individuals. (support) As a little fellow, he was shrewd splitting and solid willed. This is because of his childhood. He originates from a faction who is all around respected in the public eye. His steady associates were young men who had a place with politically-compelling families and the first class in the public arena. He was joyful, once he was gotten for painting a mustache in his face while in Music class. However, he was a pioneer, President of his group and included a great deal in extra-curricular exercises. At times however, he was an issue to his mom due to certain reports from school. As a school senior, Bush turned into an individual from the cryptic Skull and Bones, one of the most seasoned mystery understudy social orders in the United States whose past individuals included unmistakable characters. He was depicted as amazingly gregarious, yet a famously poor dresser, made numerous companions, spanning the developing separation between the government funded school graduates who were entering Yale and the preppies. He turned into a leader of the Delta Kappa Epsilon clique and delighted in parties, drinking, watching and playing football, and dating. He was set up for crime accusation for being a piece of a trick that included taking a Christmas wreath for the fraternity house. Speculations of Personality Freud's hypothesis of character - the Oedipal complex - works in this phase of the contextual investigation. The ID to the dad is significant in the advancement of the kid - the youthful Bush had joined the virtues and standards of his leader father and has recognized himself to him, in this manner he himself battled and endeavored to become president himself. Rather than Freud's hypothesis is the social taking in principle which started from the conduct works of Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson, and B.F. Skinner. As indicated by this hypothesis, the way toward learning is of focal significance to character improvement. Social learning scholars accept that individuals are affected by the circumstances they are in. Shrub was greatly impacted by the circumstance he was in. He was an understudy chief - leader of a class - and was engaged with exercises that would make him a pioneer and a conspicuous figure in American governmental issues. This implies his character was found out from school and the earth. The social learning perspective on character is unfathomably not the same as that of the therapy of Freud. Freud's idea of analysis concentrated on the oblivious brain, or the formative expresses that are of essential significance to therapy. However, social learning scholars center their investigation of improvement in learning. Character is something that is found out, or, the whole of the considerable number of ways that individuals figured out how to act, think and feel. It is called social learning in light of the fact that the procedure is found out from others. Character is close to learned conduct and that the best approach to comprehend character is essentially to comprehend the procedures of learning. To social learning scholars, the key ideas in the investigation of character are not the id, inner self, and superego, as embraced by Freud, however traditional molding, operant molding, and displaying. The
вівторок, 21 липня 2020 р.
Two Examples of How to Study For the AP English Essay
Two Examples of How to Study For the AP English EssaySo, you want to know how to revise your ELA or English Language Arts subjects for AP Exams? You need some help. What I'm going to share with you today is two samples of how to study for this important AP Exam. You should look at both and try to adapt them to what you need to do on the day.First, here are the two sample essays that I took before the exam. Both of these examples were written by my wife and me, but they are both written by very good high school students who have no problem reading the material, and writing it. For both of these students, the teacher gave the same main example in both of their papers. However, they did not use the same example word for word, so I decided to write a new one to practice with.The first example is from the CCBS or 'California Center for Capital and Public Policy.' It was sent to me by someone who wanted to work there. In this case, the CCBS actually studied for this test before the actual exam and was not necessarily ready to give a true, objective review of their coursework. Instead, it was looking at a slightly different college example. This allowed them to read through their texts and consider what they would be working on in the real world.The second example is from the McGraw Hill 'Modern Education' online course. It's taken from the General Certificate in Secondary Education or GCSE. It's not an essay, but it was an example of how to write a standard essay. A different way to give you an idea of how well these online classes work.I know there is a lot of great material that can help you with your AP English language subjects, but I think both of these samples offer you some key advice when it comes to getting it down. You don't need to use these exact examples, just as long as you can take away one of the key pieces of advice. In addition, if you can modify one or two of the things that they did, that would be even better.You may think I'm being overly difficu lt by saying that, but I believe the key to the success of an English or Math student is to be ready to take a test of any kind when the time comes. It is always good to be prepared. Take advantage of resources, and also take the time to take stock of what you need to study and how much time you will need to study.One of the main things that I recommend doing, if you're taking the AP English subject, is taking time to read the entire book when you can. Also, look at the textbook as well, and try to read it cover to cover. I believe that's one of the keys to achieving success in the AP Subject.Don't worry about putting the research and fact in the middle of your paper. As long as you keep those 2 parts separate, then you will be fine. Just remember, practice makes perfect, and it will pay off for you.
пʼятниця, 22 травня 2020 р.
Hockey vs. Football Essay - 759 Words
Hockey vs. Football Football and hockey are two sports, which are similar in objective, but very different in their rules and guidelines. In each of these major sports there are rules and guidelines that the players must follow. The topics that will be covered are the weight differences between the players in football and hockey, the use of Creatine Monohydrate, and last the equipment restrictions. This first paragraph will discuss the weight difference between the players in the NFL (football) and the NHL (hockey). Although there is no written rule as to how much a player can weigh in either of the sports, there is the unwritten rule that the players and coaches follow. The average hockey player weighs about 185 pounds. The†¦show more content†¦This substance was used in the NFL until 2 years ago when the governing board of the NFL ruled that Creatine is a steroid type substance that gives the athlete using it a substantial edge in quickness, strength, and endurance over the players who choose not to use it. If a player is caught using the substance he will be suspended for the same amount of time, as he would be if he were using the â€Å"real†anabolic steroids. Yet the NHL’s board of governors has not even voted upon this same substance. It is a proven fact that the NHL players using Creatine have gained on average 15 – 20 pounds of muscle in a s little as 2.5 months. The players have also been injured less when using the substance. This last paragraph will talk about the equipment restrictions between the NHL and the NFL. Hockey has a lot of restrictions that the players must follow. Each piece of equipment worn has a size restriction on it. Goalies are watched more carefully than the players are because last year in the NHL the goals a game average went from 7.5 to 5. The NHL did an investigation and found out that some goalie equipment was almost twice as big as it was when they last did an investigation in the early 90’s. If a player is caught breaking the rules on equipment size, he will receive a 2-minute penalty. If the player is a repeat offender he can receive (fourth infraction) a 1 game suspension. The NFL does notShow MoreRelatedSoccer Popular Sport1035 Words  | 5 Pagesnot the most popular sport. Soccer is viewed as a sport that isn’t very popular. Worldwide though there are 4 billion people who play the sport of football/soccer. Worldwide soccer is called football except in the U nited States where it is called soccer. The most popular sports in the united States are hockey, basketball, baseball and american football. Soccer isn’t even in the top five of most popular sports in the United States. 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четвер, 7 травня 2020 р.
Sexual Harassment Case - 609 Words
Scenario #1 Sexual Harassment David, a company supervisor at the ABC Investment Group, was responsible for conducting periodic reviews and evaluations of his subordinates. During a private evaluation meeting with one of his female employees, Cheryl, David got up from his seated position behind his desk and leaned against the front of his desk immediately in front of Cheryls chair. David indicated that he was not inclined to recommend Cheryl for the promotion she sought despite her good performance, but said that he might reconsider if she took care of the kid. When Cheryl expressed confusion at what he meant, David gestured toward his crotch and complimented her on the shape of her lips, asking if she knew what those kinds of lips are called. Horrified, Cheryl immediately pushed her chair back and ran out of his office. She reported the incident immediately to Davids supervisor. Sexual harassment is expressly prohibited by Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (Fossum 2008, 512). This type of quid pro quo sexua l harassment by a supervisor of a subordinate leaves the company with little choice. The company could face serious liability for failing to take action in the event David ever repeated his conduct with another employee in the future. Pursuant to its zero-tolerance policy on sexual harassment (Fossum 2008, 512), the employer immediately fired David. Given the statutory basis of liability and the nature of the act, it is unlikely that David could keepShow MoreRelatedEssay on Sexual Harassment Case1276 Words  | 6 PagesSexual Harassment Case The Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions (EEOC) sexual harassment guidelines and the Civil Act of 1964, indicate that Susan Parker was indeed sexually harassed throughout her employment at Plastech Industries. The EEOC has created a set of guidelines that determine liability. These EEOC guidelines say that A key factor in determining liability is whether the employer has an effective internal grievance procedure that allows employees to bypass immediate supervisorsRead MoreA Case Study on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace2334 Words  | 10 PagesRunning Head: SEXUAL HARASSMENT A Case Study on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Tami Oostema Prepared for Davenport University Online English 110: Advanced Composition October 13, 2011 Executive Summary The case involves a woman named Paula who is being sexually harassed by a coworker named Richard at her place of employment. Paula is new to the company. She has only been employed there for three months. When Paula looked in the employee’s handbook, she discovered thatRead MoreSexual Harassment - Case Study 21437 Words  | 6 Pages Sexual Harassment – Case study 2 Stephanie K. Allen Business 2130 Employment Law for Business February 8, 2015 Dr. Hamid Kazeroony â€Æ' â€Å"Men believe we should have laws against sexual harassment, but their hostile reaction toward women who sued successfully for sexual harassment shows that they are, in fact, threatened by the law. The criminalization of the woman reimagines the men as victims and the woman as a perpetrator†(Tinkler, 2012, p. 37). This quote speaks to the heart of the Vinson-vs-TaylorRead MoreSexual Harassment Case Between Cordoza Vs. Foodservice Inc.1706 Words  | 7 PagesThe sexual harassment case between Cordoza vs. Foodservice Inc., Creative Marketing Solutions and Harrison is a very sticky case that needs to be decided. I have read all the material given about all the different cases in the past where it shows clearly it is very hard to convict someone of sexual harassment. You have to keep a lot of things in mind when you are deciding what you think the outcome if this case should be. To begin I will start trying to determine my thoughts on the outcome of theRead MoreEssay about Commerce Case Study Report for David Jones Sexual Harassment3214 Words  | 13 PagesAssessment 3: Case Study Report Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – David Jones and Pricewaterhouse Coopers Kristy van Duin, Li Yutao, Pablo Arenas, Jace Burgess Executive Summary The following report looks at the increase of Sexual Harassment claims within Corporate Australia that have been lodged with the Australian Human Rights Commission over the last decade. David Jones Pty Ltd and Pricewaterhouse Cooper are two prevalent cases which have attracted negative media with regard to Sexual HarassmentRead MoreThe Case Of Sexual Harassment Essay2341 Words  | 10 Pagesallegations of sexual harassment reports CBC News. The story can be viewed on CBC website (www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/sask-nurse-marlon-gonzales-hearing-1.3765378). Sexual harassment is always an ongoing battle for individuals, and this new case may help those who are unaware of their right stand up and fight back. The of the co-workers (Jane Does) v. Marlon Gonzales presents the opportunity to interpret the legal processes necessary in determining a decision for sexual harassment in SaskatchewanRead MoreUber Sexual Harassment Case Study1264 Words  | 6 PagesProblem 1 Sexual harassment is a problem that human resource managers are struggling to solve every day. Recently Uber has fired over 20 employees due to a sexual harassment investigation, which started in November 2016, it is uncommon for a company to release so many employees from one sexual harassment claim but that’s because the human resource department didn’t know how to solve this problem. (Solon, 2017). Uber isn’t the only company struggling to find ways to deal with sexual harassment in theRead MoreEssay on Sexual Harassment Case Study1211 Words  | 5 PagesIndividual Case Study #1 1. Is there a case of sexual harassment in this situation or is it only fun? This is a case of sexual harassment because; the words and actions of fellow employees ultimately made Rosetta quit her job. The technical definition of harassment is when members of an organization treat an employee in a different manner due to that person’s sex, race, religion, age, and etc. Harassment also includes unwelcomed remarks or jokes which make the employee feel uncomfortable.Read MoreForms of Sexual Harassment: A Case Study651 Words  | 3 PagesUnder federal law there are two distinct forms of sexual harassment (Paul, 1990). The first form is known as quid pro quo harassment and in order for an action of this form to be successful there must be involvement by a supervisor or other person in authority. The fact that Sam, the alleged harasser, is in a supervising position raises the possibility that his behavior toward Paula may be considered quid pro quo sexual harassment. The fact that Paula has reportedly requested that Sam stop approachingRead MoreSexual Har assment At The Workplace1697 Words  | 7 PagesSexual Harassment in the Workplace Eva L. Mendez-Zacher MG260, Business Law I 28 September 2014 Dr. Anita Whitby Abstract I’m conducting a study on Sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment is possible in all social and economic classes, ethnic groups, jobs and places in the community. Through this study I hope to clarify the common misconception that sexual harassment is an isolated female problem. Although the majority of the cases reported are in fact male on female
середа, 6 травня 2020 р.
Advantages of Online Shopping Free Essays
Advantages of online shopping: Online shopping is accessible round the clock. You can buy whatever you want even at 3 a. m. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages of Online Shopping or any similar topic only for you Order Now in the morning. You can choose from a wider variety of things available for you to shop which may not be available in the local brick and mortar stores. You also have the benefit to do all from the comfort of your own home. When you buy from online store you have the comfort to take your time while checking for the things of your choice, this will lead you to a simple and quick way to perform price comparison unlike the dissatisfied and hurried shopping you do in the local stores. In addition, unlike local stores, you can avail discount coupons and get a thing at a lower rate when shopping online. Besides, when shopping online you can also avoid long lines to wait in and the unnecessary contact with cranky people. If you feel uncomfortable dragging your kids for shopping, online shopping is the best way to counter that. Most of us are sometimes concerned with private shopping; online shopping offers you a great platform to do so with comfort. Also, when you are buying gifts, online mode is the perfect way to send your distant friends or relatives the gift you wanted to send. When it comes to payment, you can use anyone’s credit card when shopping online. A lot of us are concerned about the identity theft when hear about online shopping. Identity theft cases take place in reality in brick and mortar store itself and not online. Websites are secure these days with powerful encryption procedures that keep your identity safe and secure. Although there are a few where your information may not be secure, you can take a peaceful breathe when dealing with the vast majority of online shopping website. Consider websites that offer free shipping and this is definitely the way to go. As the price of gas is increasing, shipping and handling might be cheaper anyway. Disadvantages of online shopping: Although online shopping is 24/7 available, you cannot feel or touch items rather can just see what is present on a webpage whereas in brick and mortar stores you can see many things at a glance and buy after you feel or touch the product. As the term suggests, online shopping is only possible through the internet, therefore, the connection speed matter a lot here. Unlike conventional stores which don’t close unexpectedly, online stores incurs frequent malfunction. The most common grumble people have with online stores is regarding warranties and some sort of guarantees, which they fail to offer in most cases. Apparently, these would mean nothing if the online store went bankrupt. Similarly returns are also very much difficult on online stores than in local stores. It very normal that many online stores don’t accept cash or checks, although some sites do, you still have to use the credit cards. When purchasing online, billing errors are the common things you may encounter whereas in local stores these errors are nearly impossible. The very big disadvantage an online website may have is the credit card security issue, despite the fact that how secure the website claims to be, you can not always trust them. There have been many cases where people realized that their credit card number has been stolen and has been used by others. The bottom line is, online shopping is the ultimate solution people are finding today, but conventional stores are still here to stay. How to cite Advantages of Online Shopping, Essay examples
понеділок, 27 квітня 2020 р.
Singapores Efforts to Foster and Religious Harmony free essay sample
Singapores racial and religious harmony did not come about by accident or chance. Over the years, we have taken sustained efforts to build understanding, tolerance, sensitivity and trust among the different races living in Singapore. This factsheet gives an overview of these efforts. NE Facilitators may wish to use the information in this factsheet when a suitable occasion presents itself during interactions with your target audiences. Pre-911 Since Singapore became an independent nation in 1965, the government has made racial and religious harmony a key principle of governance. Several laws, policies, organisations and initiatives were put in place to ensure that the minorities were not left out or discriminated against, and that there was integration among the different ethnic groups. The following are some examples: 1. Legislation: ? Constitution of Singapore Singapore’s Constitution provides for every citizen to freely practise his or her religion of choice. It states that no citizen should be discriminated against on the grounds of race and religion. We will write a custom essay sample on Singapores Efforts to Foster and Religious Harmony or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ? Sedition Act The Sedition Act, set in place in 1948, prohibits expressions that promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races. For the first time since independence, the Act was used in 2005 to convict some bloggers who made racist remarks on the Internet. ? Religious Harmony Act The Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act was enacted in 1992 to restrain religious leaders or individuals from committing acts that will result in ill-will or hostility between and among different religious groups. Presidential Council for Minority Rights Established in 1970 as the Presidential Council and renamed the Presidential Council for Minority Rights in 1973, one of the councils functions is to scrutinise pending legislation to ensure that the proposed law does not discriminate against any race, religion or community. ? Amendments to the Penal Code A new section, which came into force in 2008, was introduced into the Penal Code to increase by 1. 5 times the punishment a person would otherwise have been given, if he commits â€Å"racially or religiously aggravated†offences. For example, the maximum penalty for causing hurt is two years jail and a $5,000 fine; if the crime was racially or religiously motivated, the person could be jailed for up to three years and fined up to $7,500. 2. Policies: ? Group Representation Constituencies (GRCs) Introduced in 1988, the concept of GRCs ensures that Parliament remains multi-racial and will always have some Members of Parliament (MPs) from the minority groups. Each GRC has four to six MPs, at least one of whom must be from a minority group. ? Ethnic Integration Policy Implemented since 1989, this policy helps to ensure a balanced mix of ethnic groups in public housing estates. It sets out the maximum proportion of each ethnic group allowed in each HDB block and neighbourhood (the proportions are tied to the national ethnic population proportions). The policy has helped to prevent the formation of racial enclaves in housing estates. 3. Organisations: ? Peoples Association (PA) Against a backdrop of racial riots and political strife, PA was set up in 1960 as the leading government agency to promote racial harmony and social cohesion. Community centres/clubs were built around the island where all Singaporeans, regardless of their background, could take part in a wide range of activities conducted by the centres/clubs. The centres/clubs provide places where people can interact with one another and build strong community bonds. ? Community Development Councils (CDCs) In 1997, nine CDCs1, each headed by a Mayor, were set up as focal points for Singaporeans to work together and look after their own community needs. These were subsequently reorganised into five CDCs in January 2002. There are special programmes to reach out to the young to develop them as youth leaders who can contribute actively to the development of a cohesive and harmonious community. A Racial Harmony Youth Ambassadors Programme was started in 2002 to get students to participate in and thereafter organise activities that promote racial harmony. ? Central Joint Social Service Centre (JSSC) Operational by 1997, the JSSC is a joint body that enables selfhelp groups and community organisations to pool resources to reach out to all Singaporeans. All its programmes have the same underlying theme – they must contribute to building stronger bonds between the various races in Singapore. To promote interethnic interaction, JSSC also holds seminars, talks, performances and other events where the different races in Singapore come together to learn more about each other. 2 Through such approaches, community bonds continue to be built across races and religions. Since May 2007, the JSSC has been reformed to be known as OnePeople. sg. It has taken on a leadership role by being the leading advocate for multi-racialism (the voice and main resource centre) in Singapore. It has also launched One People Portal, a one-stop access to resource materials on race and religion. 4. Initiatives: ? Commemoration of Racial Harmony Day Racial Harmony Day is commemorated in schools and in the SAF on 21st July each year to remind students and SAF servicemen of the lessons from the race riots that broke out on 21 Jul 64. 1 The CDC functions as a local administration of its District, initiating, planning and managing community programmes to promote community bonding and social cohesion. It also provides various community and social assistance services delegated from the Ministries. Being closer to the ground, the CDC is more attuned to the specific needs of their communities. 2 JSSC offers other programmes, services and activities such as camps, revision and enrichment classes, computer courses, library services, student care, youth dance, music programmes, job matching and career counselling services, and other social assistance services. ? Activities are held to emphasise the importance of racial and religious harmony to Singapore, and increase understanding and appreciation of the cultures and practices of the different races. Inter-faith prayer services organised by the Inter-Religious Organisation of Singapore (IRO)3 Organised by the IRO for public institutions, civic organisations and private enterprises, these inter-faith prayer services include those for SAF officer cadet passing out parades, opening ceremonies of buildings, public works and construction projects. Post-911 These efforts to build up social cohesion in Singapore stood us in good stead in the post-911 period. Open and frank dialogues could be conducted among our leaders and the various ethnic and religious groups, even in the face of challenging developments like the arrests of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorists in 2001. This reflected the maturity of Singapore’s society and the strength of our multi-racial relations. The Malay/Muslim community took several initiatives in response to the terrorist threat. For example, the Muslim community leaders were united and committed in the battle against extremism. They condemned the September 11 attacks and the JIs plot in Singapore, and initiated public debates on the importance of moderation among Muslims. MUIS embarked on initiatives such as youth outreach efforts and making madrasah education more effective and relevant. Some Muslim religious leaders and scholars formed the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG) to counsel the JI detainees and undertake outreach efforts. The government has also introduced new organisations, programmes and initiatives to strengthen the bonds and links among the different races. Some examples are: 1. Organisations: ? Inter-Racial Confidence Circles (IRCCs) and Harmony Circles In 2002, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks in the US and the arrests of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) members in Singapore, the Government announced the formation of IRCCs in every constituency to build trust among the different races and deal 3 The IRO is one of the oldest inter-faith organisations in the world. It had its beginnings in the founding of the Inter-Religious Organisation of Singapore and Johor Bahru and was later renamed as Inter-Religious Organisation of Singapore in 1961. Its objectives include the promotion of mutual respect and the spirit of friendship and cooperation among the leaders and followers of different religions. The 10 religions recognised by the IRO are Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, Baha’i faith and Jainism. with racial or religious problems on the ground when they occur. Harmony Circles were set up in schools, workplaces and other local organisations as informal groups. Over the years, the activities include emergency preparedness to enhance community cohesion in emergencies, visits to places of worship of different faiths, and inter-faith dialogues and workshops. The IRCCs were repositioned in February 2006 to step up engagement efforts with the local ethnic and faith organisations, and to operationalise a crisis response plan for each constituency. The National Steering Committee on Racial and Religious Harmony, which provides strategic directions to IRCCs, has been reconstituted to include leaders from the ethnic-based, faith and community organisations. The Committee provides a national platform for these leaders to dialogue and discuss issues on social cohesion. 2. Programme: ? Community Engagement Programme (CEP) This programme was launched on 9 Feb 06 by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong because Singapore needed â€Å"an expanded and more coordinated programme†than the constituency-based IRCCs and Harmony Circles. Although the IRCCs and Harmony Circles were useful, the level of activity was sometimes uneven across the constituencies, and tended to be focused narrowly at the local level. The CEP goes beyond religious and racial groups to include schools, businesses and unions. The objective is to create an extensive and strong network of contact points among community leaders so that they can build trust among themselves, have the capacity to reach out as widely as possible in the event of a crisis and maintain calm if tensions arise in the event of a terrorist attack in Singapore. To facilitate the building of effective CEP networks, five clusters of community leaders have been identified: (a) grassroots organisations; (b) educational institutions; (c) religious groups, ethnic-based organisations and voluntary welfare organisations; (d) businesses and unions; and (e) media and the arts. MHA will work with the People’s Association, MOE, MCYS, MOM and MICA (the supporting agencies for the various clusters) to develop the necessary capabilities that are needed to mobilise Singaporeans to sustain the social and psychological resilience in the aftermath of a crisis. The aim is for the various organisations under each cluster to work among themselves and those in other clusters to strengthen the network and bonds within and between their respective communities. The Ministry of Home Affairs is the overall coordinating ministry driving the CEP. A Ministerial Committee on Community Engagement, chaired by DPM and Minister for Home Affairs and comprising Ministers overseeing the key ministries and People’s Association, provides policy guidance and political leadership. The Committee is supported by the Community Engagement Steering Committee which serves as the executive group. The Steering Committee provides operational guidance and ensures the integration of the various community response plans to the Government emergency response. 3. Initiatives: ? Declaration on Religious Harmony Mooted by then PM Goh Chok Tong in October 2002 and officially launched in June 2003, the Declaration on Religious Harmony is an affirmation of Singaporeans’ commitment towards peace and harmony. Though not a legal document, the declaration affirms the values that have helped to maintain religious harmony in Singapore and serves as a reminder to take continued efforts to deepen our ties and understanding with other communities. The Declaration has been given to all schools, IRCCs and Harmony Circles. Singaporeans are encouraged to recite the Declaration during Racial Harmony Celebrations every July. ? Learning a third language in schools The Ministry of Education is encouraging students to learn a third language, apart from English and their own mother tongue. It was felt that proficiency in non-native mother-tongue languages would help to nurture increased interactions among the ethnic communities, friendships between students and ties between neighbours, across race and religion. Several schools are already providing lessons in Conversational Mandarin and Conversational Malay. Apart from learning languages at the conversational level, MOE is also encouraging students to study a third language. It has lifted the eligibility criteria for learning a non-native mother tongue language as a third language.
четвер, 19 березня 2020 р.
How to Make a Desiccant Container
How to Make a Desiccant Container A desiccator or desiccant container is a chamber that removes water from chemicals or items. It is extremely easy to make a desiccator yourself using materials you probably have on hand. Have you ever wondered why so many products come with little packets that say Do Not Eat? The packets contain silica gel beads, which absorb water vapor and keep the product dry. Including packets in packaging is an easy way of preventing mold and mildew from taking their toll. Other items would absorb water unevenly (e.g., parts of a wooden musical instrument), causing them to warp. You can use the silica packets or another desiccant to keep special items dry or to keep water from hydrating chemicals. All you need is a hygroscopic (water-absorbing) chemical and a way to seal your container. Key Takeaways: How to Make a Desiccator A desiccator is a container used to maintain a low-humidity environment.Dessicators are simple to make. Basically, a dry desiccant chemical is sealed within a closed container. Objects stored within the container will not become damaged from moisture or humidity. To some extent, a desiccator can absorb water already stored within an object.Many desiccants are available, but they vary widely in terms of safety and cost. The safest chemicals to use include silica gel beads, calcium chloride, and activated charcoal.Desiccant chemicals can be recharged by heating in order to drive off the water. Common Desiccant Chemicals Silica gel is the most widely available desiccant, but other compounds work, too. These include: Silica gel (the beads in those little packets)Sodium hydroxide (sometimes sold as a solid drain cleaner)Calcium chloride (sold as a solid laundry bleach or a road salt)Activated charcoalCalcium sulfate (gypsum or plaster of Paris)ZeoliteRice However, some of these chemicals are more effective and safer than others. Rice, for example, is extremely safe. It is often added to salt shakers as a desiccant to prevent water absorption, allowing the seasoning to flow through the shaker. Yet, rice has a limited ability to absorb water. Sodium hydroxide and calcium chloride are extremely effective, but sodium hydroxide is a caustic compound capable of producing chemical burns. Both sodium hydroxide and calcium chloride eventually dissolve in the water they absorb, potentially contaminating objects stored within a desiccator. Sodium hydroxide and calcium sulfate evolve considerable heat as they absorb water. If a lot of water is absorbed within a short amount of time, the temperature within the desiccator may spike dramatically. In summary, for a basic home or lab desiccator, silica gel and activated charcoal may be the two best choices. Both are inexpensive and non-toxic and dont degrade upon use. Make a Desiccator This is extremely simple. Just place a small amount of one of the desiccant chemicals into a shallow dish. Enclose an open container of the item or chemical you wish to dehydrate with the container of desiccant. A large plastic bag works well for this purpose, but you could use a jar or any airtight container. The desiccant will need to be replaced after it has absorbed all of the water that it can hold. Some chemicals will liquefy when this occurs so that you will know they need to be replaced (e.g., sodium hydroxide). Otherwise, youll just need to switch out the desiccant when it starts to lose its effectiveness. How to Recharge a Desiccator Over time, desiccants become saturated with water from humid air and lose their effectiveness. They can be recharged by heating in a warm oven to drive off the water. The dry desiccant should be stored in a sealed container until use. Its best to expel all of the air out of the container, since it contains some water. Plastic bags are ideal containers because its easy to squeeze out the excess air. Sources Chai, Christina Li Lin; Armarego, W. L. F. (2003). Purification of Laboratory Chemicals. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-7506-7571-0.Flà ¶rke, Otto W., et al. (2008) Silica in Ullmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. doi:10.1002/14356007.a23_583.pub3Lavan, Z.; Monnier, Jean-Baptiste; Worek, W. M. (1982). Second Law Analysis of Desiccant Cooling Systems. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. 104 (3): 229–236. doi:10.1115/1.3266307Williams, D. B. G.; Lawton, M. (2010). Drying of Organic Solvents: Quantitative Evaluation of the Efficiency of Several Desiccants. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, vol. 75, 8351. doi: 10.1021/jo101589h
понеділок, 2 березня 2020 р.
The Safavid Empire of Persia
The Safavid Empire of Persia The Safavid Empire, based in Persia (Iran), ruled over much of southwestern Asia from 1501 to 1736. Members of the Safavid Dynasty likely were of Kurdish Persian descent and belonged to a unique order of Sufi -infused Shia Islam called Safaviyya. In fact, it was the founder of the Safavid Empire, Shah Ismail I, who forcibly converted Iran from Sunni to Shia Islam and established Shiism as the state religion. Its Massive Reach At its height, the Safavid Dynasty controlled not only the entirety of what is now Iran, Armenia, and Azerbaijan, but also most of Afghanistan, Iraq, Georgia, and the Caucasus, and parts of Turkey, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, and Tajikistan. As one of the powerful gunpowder empires of the age, the Safavids re-established Persias place as a key player in economics and geopolitics at the intersection of the eastern and western worlds. It ruled over the western reaches of the late Silk Road, although the overland trade routes were quickly being supplanted by ocean-going trading vessels. Sovereignty The greatest Safavid ruler was Shah Abbas I (r. 1587 - 1629), who modernized the Persian military, adding musketeers and artillery-men; moved the capital city deeper into the Persian heartland; and established a policy of tolerance towards Christians in the empire. However, Shah Abbas was fearful to the point of paranoia about the assassination and executed or blinded all of his sons to prevent them from replacing him. As a result, the empire began a long, slow slide into obscurity after his death in 1629.
субота, 15 лютого 2020 р.
Art Humanities class Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Art Humanities class - Assignment Example Apparently, one location shows the connection of the statue with the government and the power that it wishes to convey. In addition, the author performs visual analysis through taking photographs of the statue and commenting on its physical structure and movement, as well as its facial expressions. The language focuses on the action and energy of the sculpture, and this is effective in relation to the author’s thesis, regarding the political implications of David’s location. Moreover, this reading is enjoyable because it treats a usual art placement meeting as a decision that affects the meaning of the statue through the goals of the decision makers. Response to Thucydides’ â€Å"Funeral Oration of Pericles†Thucydides records the Funeral Oration that Pericles delivered after the beginning of the first campaign of the war. During this speech, Pericles gives tribute to the fallen heroes of Athens. He praises the virtues of Athens first through extolling the virtues of the people. For him, the Athenians have built a great city because of their virtues and love for learning and simple beauty in life. He argues that these soldiers did not die in vain because they died for the greatest people and city in history. He bases his arguments on the social, political, and economic values and attributes of Athens as a city and as a civilization. Pericles can be quite flowery with his words, but it must be because of the nature of the oration. He wants to emphasize that the people of Athens have to be proud of their courage because their courage protects their freedoms. Some of the confusing parts of the speech are when Pericles mentions certain people, places, and events that are unfamiliar. Nevertheless, further research will prove their relevance to the oration. Moreover, Pericles does not conduct any visual analysis on a specific artwork. Nonetheless, he alludes to the architecture of Athens that manifests the people’s power and glory. The descriptive language combines simile, metaphors, allusions, and symbolisms. They are effective because they reinforce the idea that Athens is worth fighting and dying for. The families of the dead should find moral solace in the sacrifices of their loved ones because they died for something meaningful and worthwhile. Aside from these effective uses of description, the reading is enjoyable because of its discussion of the merits of Athens. It reminds readers of patriotism that turns courage into a trait related to one’s national origins. Response to Alberti’s â€Å"On Painting†This writing has a clear identifiable thesis, where Alberti argues that paintings are important because they record important personalities and events, while also remarking on the skills of the painter. He believes that painting is a sacred duty and process, as it serves to replicate reality as it its, and if God made reality, then painting is an act of recreation, and to some extent, creation. Alberti supports his claims with sayings from great artists and personalities and by mentioning painting’s evolution throughout human history. He establishes that painting is part of the essence of humanity. In addition, Alberti explains the composition of painting: circumscription, composition, and reception of light, which offers a form of visual analysis of
неділя, 2 лютого 2020 р.
Financial Markets and Institutions homework Assignment
Financial Markets and Institutions homework - Assignment Example The lenders earn interest as a return on the loan. However, the individuals also use bond markets to obtain loans, but it is a rare practice. The final type of financial market is the arena where currencies are swapped in order to fulfill the demand of a particular currency. The price of a currency is determined by finding out its demand curve’s interaction point with another one. The price of highly demanded currencies such as the American dollar, the English Pound, and Euro has been known to dominate others. The trick is to lower the interest in the country so that the currency does not face substantial level of devaluation, and therefore, its demand remains stable in the market. At the same time, all of the financial markets operate in order to facilitate exchange of money by bounding borrowers with contractual obligations to keep their part of the bargain. The accumulation of money into a few hand invite stagnation, and therefore, it is imperative to keep funds afloat in order to drive down the level of income disparity in the economy. The financial markets work to convert savings into investments, and as a result, the companies consistently create wealth. The network of financial markets is globally integrated, and transferring money from one economy to another is a matter of a few minutes nowadays. The financial markets create efficiency in the economie s by helping investors in shifting their financial resources into the financial system that offers higher returns. The progressive countries are always looking to make their economies suitable for foreign investors in order to have surplus monetary resources at the disposal of the local population (Alfaro, Chanda, Kalemli-Ozcanc, & Sayek, 2004). In this way, better use of money takes place. The fundamental form of a financial intermediary is packed in the shape of a bank because it brings savers and borrowers together
субота, 25 січня 2020 р.
Essay --
Conceptual Aircraft Design: APU, Pneumatic, and Environmental Control Systems Advance aircraft and spacecraft systems are so far, one of the most revise areas in aviation industry. Every year, more systems are tested, review, and redesign into better advanced applications. However, aircraft’s systems allocate many applications, such as the next generation in avionics and other sub-systems. With new methodologies and technological advancement in aerospace industry, aircraft’s systems can address better operational implementations and provide feedback for safety environments. In recent years, most aircraft’s systems has shaped the way in which aviation is heading. A focus on these developments is the systems redesigning phase. Although, redesigning phases reinforce the aircraft deficiency. By acknowledging system’s background, it allows better proactive and reactive processes for safety and performance. Yet, a very important aspect, is the overall endurance. Endurance approach must convey through all aircraft’s systems. These systems are the driving motor of the aircraft; without a proper integration, it could lead to a total structural failure. When a systems are not properly addressed as the requirement states, it is considered to be inefficient. Providing efficient work capacity through all systems is a minimum and essential condition. As part of an unending process, aviation industry is recurring to research implementations to address situational awareness regarding aircraft’s systems and performance. The continuity o f support to research areas, are very advantageous to this industry. It has led to address deficiencies in products, systems, services, safety factors, and human developments. APU One of the most important key... ...ich, Claudia Werner, Martin Saballus, Florian Gores. F.M. January 28- April 19, 2013. Multifunctional fuel cell system in an aircraft environment: An investigation focusing on fuel tank inerting and water generation. Aerospace Science and Technology. Retrieved 2014. For more information contact Jose Kallo to Josef.Kallo@dlr.de. And /or refer to: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S127096381300076X Ronald M. Heck, Robert J. Farrauto, Suresh T. Gulati. F.M. 2012.Catalytic Air Pollution Control: Commercial Technology. Pp. 361-372. Â © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Retrieved 2014. For more information refer to web source: http://books.google.com/books?id=wB-sqXID5oAC&pg=PA361&lpg=PA361&dq=ozone+removal+abater&source=bl&ots=u3drio74zp&sig=HDoj-Hz_veJCM7ady5fcanS2x7Y&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jLj3UvbEFcaIyAHZ5YGgBg&ved=0CDcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=ozone%20removal%20abater&f=false
пʼятниця, 17 січня 2020 р.
Production Strategy in China
Mattel outsources its production to China through its Vendor Operations Asia (VOA), based at Hong Kong. VOA outsources to suppliers who are based at Hong Kong having their production setups in mainland China. These suppliers have the wherewithal to cut through the complex regulations and bureaucracy in China.Mattel outsources only its non core products and short life cycle products to China, which can respond very fast to product changes and modifications due to its strengths in material processing and expertise in toy manufacturing.In House Production vs. Outsourcing:In house production offers significant control over quality, product safety, because of the direct control over the supply chain by the company. It protects the IP rights of the company by not giving the manufacturing expertise and designs to any supplier. On the other hand, in house production can cost significantly more than outsourcing. Also, the company has to acquire a wide management knowledge base, to excel in su pply chain management and manufacturing practices.Outsourcing significantly reduces production cost because of lower labor costs, lower inputs and material processing costs, and an existing infrastructure in manufacturing. So Mattel has better operational efficiency and reduced capital requirements. On the downside, quality is difficult to monitor, especially where there are secondary and tertiary suppliers who supply to the main vendor. A manufacturing plant needs to operate in an efficient manner. The support that is necessary for this is the supply chain, the costs of running a factory, including labor costs, and regulatory aspects of the country. The supply chain available in the country must be able to supply to this industry. Labor costs must be low and the local Government must be supportive of the venture.Offshoring and Outsourcing:When Mattel closes it American and European plants to set up its own manufacturing facilities in China, it is Offshoring. Offshoring happens when the company wants to manufacture by itself, but at a lower cost.When a Mattel factory in UK contracts out a portion of manufacturing to Poland or Mattel contracts an outside entity to completely manufacture a toy, it is outsourcing. Offshoring is a factory or operations shifting to some other country. Outsourcing is contracting an outside entity to do certain operations.Environmental Factors affecting Offshoring and Outsourcing in China:C hina has lax IP rules. Hence a supplier could end up manufacturing a look alike of Mattel toys and get away with it. China is very sensitive about labor issues and rights. Mattel’s suppliers and the VOA sit in Hong Kong and production happens in mainland China. Hence, it is very difficult to maintain and monitor quality. Rising costs in China are making suppliers evade safety standards.Amazon:Value Creation to Customers:Amazon creates value through its exceptional supply chain practices. These practices enable Amazon to offer a wide variety of products, at the lowest cost, with the best offers, at the fastest delivery time, with free shipping. These are achieved by excellence in supply chain management, by establishing DC’s to cater to large demand groups and thus be able to serve customers quicker and better, generating higher sales.Amazon’s Strategy Evolution:Amazon started as a pure virtual e-marketing company, which will not stock its products but will o perate with strategic alliances and only shipping and sorting operations are done.To effectively serve its customers and to create value, the company has moved to becoming an e-marketing company which stocks, sorts and ships material with a very complex and sophisticated own supply chain and allied operations. It allows customers to sell their own products and partners with other sites that are looking for a channel. It has moved from an e-marketing company to a global internet channel brand.Amazon’s US and European Strategy:The US is a large market with no differences in terms of culture. So Amazon is dealing with customers who have the same language and lifestyles. In Europe, the company can not replicate its US strategies in totem. There are three different large markets in Europe: UK, Germany & France.Each has a different language, lifestyles and requirements. While in the US, the DC’s can effectively stock the same items and supply them to the target geographies. But in Europe, with three different portals supplying different products, the strategy is different. Also, Europe has different regulations to be complied with in terms of pricing. So Amazon relies on postal agencies, for their efficiency and low costs to provide free shipping and thus show a saving for the customer.Amazon started taking checks and postal orders to increase market penetration. In Europe, there were book wholesalers, so Amazon had to enter into direct partnerships with hundreds of publishers, unlike the US. Vendors do not operate on EDN, so time taken for fulfillment of orders is more and also uncertainty of shipped quantity.
середа, 8 січня 2020 р.
Strategic Human Resource Management Plan Essay - 3019 Words
1. are to develop a strategic human resource management plan for the following services: ï ¶ Tramping Hiking ï ¶ Swimming ï ¶ Fishing ï ¶ Mountaineering ï ¶ Bushwalking ï ¶ Quad bike exploration Answer: â€Å"The overall purpose of strategic HR planning is to: †¢ Ensure adequate human resources to meet the strategic goals and operational plans of your organization - the right people with the right skills at the right time †¢ Keep up with social, economic, legislative and technological trends that impact on human resources in your area and in the sector †¢ Remain flexible so that your organization can manage change if the future is different than anticipated†(hrcouncil.ca). Human Resource Manager has to make sure that the required number of competent people will be at the hotel from the day of opening for a period of three years. His/her behavior should include planning, developing job descriptions, recruiting and selecting, assessing, training, and analysing. According to (Armstrong M. A., 2009) strategic human resource management (HRM) highlights the need for the HR plans and strategies to be prepared within the context of overall organizational strategies and objectives and to be open to the changing nature of the organization’s external environment. It is an approach which requires understanding and adaptation by practitioners to make sure the most appropriate fit between HR business strategies and plans. (Armstrong Baron, 2004) States that people and their cooperative skills,Show MoreRelatedStrategic Human Resource Management for a Better Business Plan2535 Words  | 10 Pagesuses strategic human resource management approaches to carry out an assessment of the needs of RACQ following a need for better business strategies. This is because; human resource activities that are strategic are coordinated with business strategies (Chew Intan-Soraya, 2010). 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