понеділок, 30 вересня 2019 р.
The Rocking Horse Winner vs the Destructor
â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner†by DH Lawrence and â€Å"The Destructors†by Graham Greene were both written post wars where poverty was abundant. These two fiction stories are written about the evil caused by materialism. Comparing the two short stories, we find that greed causes destruction. In both stories, the protagonist is a boy not yet grown. Lawrence creates a boy, Paul, who strives to change the luck of not only himself, but that of his entire family. Greene tells of a boy, T, who leads a gang into destructing the home of a wealthy man just because it still stands where others around it were destroyed by bombs from the war. This leads to the obvious contrast that one boy is attempting the acquisition of material goods while the other is attempting the destruction of material goods. Still it remains that in both cases, greed causes destruction of great value. Similarly in both stories, the boy’s mothers could be seen as the antagonist because they both are very materialistic and impress on the children the need to be seen as better than others. Lawrence describes Paul’s mother, â€Å"felt themselves superior to anyone in their neighborhood†and Greene describes T’s mother, â€Å"considered herself better than the neighbors†. The Rocking Horse Winner†is set in London soon after World War I. â€Å"The Destructor†was set after World War II in a place where just about everything had been destroyed by bombs. Both stories are told in the third person narrative. And both stories end up with the same theme: greed and materialism. â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winnerâ € begins by describing Paul’s mother, â€Å" There was a woman who was beautiful, who started with all the advantages, yet she had no luck. †She obviously became a very bitter and jealous person unable to love even her children. Because of her greed and belief that more money was always needed, the house became haunted and was constantly chanting, â€Å"There must be more money. †In this story the house was symbolic of people’s greed and never ending desire to always have more. Paul is lead to believe that only luck can bring enough money into the old house so he sets out to find his own luck. He finds that luck by frantically riding a toy rocking horse that â€Å"takes him there†at which point he discovers the name of the horse that will win the next big race. Over time, Paul does make a lot of money gambling, but at the cost of his own life in the end. In â€Å"The Destructors†, a group of teenage boys decide to destroy the beautiful house that sat alone in the middle of a bombsite. The house was symbolic of all they, and most of the town, had lost to the war. The owner of the house had always been kind to the boys, but T didn’t trust anyone or their motives. After destroying the house, he told Mr. Thomas â€Å"There’s nothing personal. †Although the gang destroyed everything Mr. Thomas had and burnt his life’s savings, they took care to make sure Mr. Thomas was not in the house and was not hurt. So in the end, all his material belongings were gone, but he still had his life. The plot of both stories was about greed and resentment; Paul’s mothers greed for more and more and never being satisfied and T’s greed of making sure Mr. Thomas had no more than anyone else. The complication found in â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner†was found in Paul having to frantically ride the horse at the cost of his own health in order to find the name of the next winner. In Destructors, the complication was the time it took to destroy the old house from the inside out without anyone noticing before Mr. Thomas returned from his trip. In each case, the denouement was the destruction that occurred because of greed. For Paul, no matter how lucky he was and no matter how much money he made, he never acquired what meant most to him, his mother’s love. In the end, Paul gained money and could have purchased material things, but lost his life. And in Greene’s story, even though T destroyed the home and all it’s beauty, he saved the life of Mr. Thomas. So in this case, all material things were lost, but the life was saved. These stories are in some ways very different, but both come to the same conclusion – greed destroys. Greed is like Satan, it takes and takes but is never satisfied with what it has, it always wants more. Greed only leads to destruction.
неділя, 29 вересня 2019 р.
Media Deprivation Report
Nghia Le MCOM 1307 Mrs. Krissy Mailman 23 October 2012 Media Deprivation Report I just found out that I am addicted to the Internet and cell phone since I finished the media deprivation challenge. I did not use cell phone, TV, and Internet for a day. No TV is ok with me because I don’t watch TV a lot, but no cell phone and no internet was giving me a hard time. I started the challenge on Sunday, right after I finished all my homework and my exam, because those things really need the Internet to be done.At first I felt kind of weird because I used to connect with my friend by phone or Facebook. For example, I wanted to ask some of my friends to go out to eat, then I had to drive to their houses, knock their doors to ask them out for dinner. It would be much faster if I could use my phone. However, it was fun that I had a chance to see how my friends’ life are going on. We were not used to come home each other for a long time, calling each other to make appointment were a ll we did.In my opinion, technology is great for every one, because make people connect to each other and know information faster and easier. Nowadays, people are familiar with online news, watching news on TV, and connecting to each other by Internet or cell phone. I think that is a great way save time and money. We don’t need to buy newspaper every morning and read, we just only need too open the web browser or turn on the morning news in TV to know all the information that we need for a day.
субота, 28 вересня 2019 р.
A contrast between Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' and the film Essay
A contrast between Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' and the film version directed by Franco Zeffirelli 1968 - Essay Example In the play, Romeo is in the process of recovering after being jilted by Rosaline (Act 1, Scene 1, Line 155). A rejected lover’s instinctive reaction is to find another love as soon as possible, and Romeo does this, becoming amorously involved with Juliet. The movie however does not depict or refer to Rosaline at all, thereby not laying the foundation as to why Romeo became involved with Juliet. The second difference is discernable in the portrayal of the lovers’ mood during the marriage scene. In the play, Romeo and Juliet are both in a serious mood, which is reflected by the way they speak (in Act II, Scene 6, Line 6 Romeo remarks that the Friar’s holy words were solemn enough to join his hand with Juliet’s in marriage. In the same scene {Lines 33/34 (http://www.tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/romeo_juliet/full.html)}, Juliet declares that her love for Romeo has grown so much that she is not able to estimate even half of its rich value). In Zeffirelli’s movie the marriage scene is frivolous, with Romeo and Juliet shown kissing, cuddling and giggling all through it. The third difference is apparent in Juliet’s chamber during her funeral scene. In the play, although the Friar knows that Juliet is in fact not dead, still he maintains a deadpan expression throughout the funeral scene, properly condoling the Capulet family, telling them to dry their tears and prepare to bring Juliet’s body to the church for the last rites to be dispensed (Act IV, Scene 5, Lines 68-86 {http://www.tech.mit.edu/Shakespeare/ romeo_juliet/full.html}). In the movie, the Friar almost lets out the secret that Juliet is not dead by being unable to control a giggle; luckily none of the mourners notices what would seem to them a strange act on the part of the holy man (Zeffirelli, Franco. â€Å"Romeo and Juliet {1968}).†The last difference lies in the final scene when the real funerals of Romeo and Juliet take place. In the play, the Montague and Capulet families bury
пʼятниця, 27 вересня 2019 р.
Constructivism in Architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Constructivism in Architecture - Essay Example In other words, Conrads (1975) set a different criterion for the appearance of constructivism; according to the above researcher, constructivism was not established for responding to specific political needs, as related to the change in Russia’s political system in 1920s, but rather to promote particular architectural rules and principles, which were considered as valuable according to the creators of the Realist Manifesto. The rules of constructivism, as incorporated within the above paper, seem to promote specific ideas: simplicity in regard to lines and decorative elements and avoidance of excessive decoration (Conrads 1975). Additional elements have been incorporate in constructivism during the development of the concept through the decades, meaning especially the constructivism as used in the architecture. The literature developed in regard to constructivism seems to lead to a contradictory result, at least at a first level: constructivism is presented as an architectural trend, which was mostly used for interpreting social trends. However, a careful review of the views developed in this field opposes this view: it is clear that constructivism, in its original form, is involved mostly in the development of works of art, including architectural designs. When being used for interpreting social or political trends, constructivism has been modified, being radically different from its initial form. Thus, it can be stated that the rules of constructivism used for explaining social or political trends are highly differentiated from the initial rules of the particular concept; constructivism as related to the society and politics is, in practice, a different framework from that used in architecture; in this way, it cannot be claimed that... From the report it is clear that the literature developed in regard to constructivism seems to lead to a contradictory result, at least at a first level: constructivism is presented as an architectural trend, which was mostly used for interpreting social trends. However, a careful review of the views developed in this field opposes this view: it is clear that constructivism, in its original form, is involved mostly in the development of works of art, including architectural designs. When being used for interpreting social or political trends, constructivism has been modified, being radically different from its initial form. As the paper declares the rules of constructivism used for explaining social or political trends are highly differentiated from the initial rules of the particular concept; constructivism as related to the society and politics is, in practice, a different framework from that used in architecture; in this way, it cannot be claimed that constructivism, as an architectural concept, has been mostly related to society and politics. It has been always remained related only to architecture. Constructivists used the particular concept for reflecting the influence of industrialization on social life and art. The establishment of the concept that could relate the rules and the trends of industrialization with architectural design has been unavoidable. The use of constructivism for supporting specific political projects cannot justify the direct relationship between constructivism and society.
четвер, 26 вересня 2019 р.
British Petroleum Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
British Petroleum - Case Study Example Colonialism, however, eventually collapsed but BP did not (Heiss, 1997). Indeed, not only did BP survive the collapse of colonialism but it expanded its global operations, effectively maintained its status as one of the world's top oil and gas multinationals. In recent years, however, BP's status was threatened by industrial accidents which, consequent to their detrimental environmental effects, turned public opinion against the company. Survival, evidenced in the fact that it did re-bounce, was predicated on the successful revamping of BP's image. With the dawn of the new millennium, British Petroleum's problems reached the point of crisis. Its environmental and human rights records were placed in the spotlight and subjected to public scrutiny, with the outcome being that in both 2001 and 2006, BP was named as one of the world's worst corporations (Cameron, 2006). Allegations, the majority of which were substantiated and incontrovertibly factual, encompassed of BP's poor environmental record, its abuse of its own employees, its support of totalitarian governments for its own financial gain and the exploitation of the public's dependency on oil and gas for the expansion of its profit margins. Accusations pertaining to abuse of its labour force focus on the Tex... gh price in 2005 when a large column overfilled with gas, leading to the formation of a vapour cloud and, eventually, an explosion which killed 15 employees, injured several others and destroyed a significant percentage of the plant itself. More independent and internal investigations placed the blame squarely on BP, focusing on mismanagement and lack of regard for worker and environmental safety as evidence in its failure to maintain the plant and implement the minimum required safety standards (Cameron, 2006). Prior to recovering from the Texas City Refinery Disaster, BP confronted an environmental disaster in Prudhoe bay, Alaska, fording the closure of its pipelines there. In 2006, corrosion in its pipeline led to the spilling of 5,000 barrels of oil into the environment (Cameron, 2006). At this point, part of, but not all of the pipeline was closed. In 2007, a second disaster forced the closure of much of the remaining operational sections of the pipeline. Again, the cause was cited as BP's failure to adequately invest in safety and maintenance. It is interesting to note that in 2006 BP admitted to the fact that it had contributed to the degradation of the Alaskan natural environment through seepages which totaled approximately 27,000 barrels of oil (BP,' n.d.). The fallout of BP's seemingly callous attitude towards worker safety and the environment, were only exacerbated by its support of totalitarian and abusive governments for the purpose of maintaining corporate profits. In 2006, BP lost a lawsuit launched against it by Columbian farmers who accused the company of supporting an openly abusive regime for the purpose of maintaining its pipeline operations in the country. A similar accusation was made by the West Papua population which accused BP of
середа, 25 вересня 2019 р.
Code Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Code Response - Essay Example She could simply have said the treatment with the patients of the attending staff was harsh, but she chose to use words that were more powerful and conveyed the gravity of the situation with a lot more feeling. The writer talks about the points of view of Nagel, Kant, Bloom and others to amalgamate them with her own opinions and thus presents a very concrete take on Sarton’s â€Å"As We Are Now.†I have myself in the past studied the Kantian formulations and I feel Code has made very apt use of these theories. The treatment of Spencer in the nursing home certainly shows that those who take care of her there do not give any value to those in the nursing home. The staff of the nursing home treats its subjects as liabilities who can also be categorized as non-living things for them. The staff feels that those who are at their mercy in the nursing home are either insane or mentally handicapped in some way, which results in their treating them as ends rather than a means to an end.
вівторок, 24 вересня 2019 р.
Teaching Staffs In American Elementary Schools Assignment
Teaching Staffs In American Elementary Schools - Assignment Example According to Schultz & Schultz (2010) and Leithwood, Alma & Hopkins (2008), there have been dismal performances in many schools because of lack of motivation of teachers. Although it is a common knowledge that elementary school marks the foundation of education, it has not been given the attention it rightfully deserves. Similar sentiments are emphasized by Pierce, et al. (2003) who acknowledges that elementary school teachers feel demoralized. This may be a right observation because it is what the research will be focusing on. More studies will be conducted to find out if indeed a demoralized teacher does not deliver as expected. It is in line with the research problem that needs to be resolved by the studies.How to Motivate Elementary School TeachersAs Moos (2008) exclaims, a motivated teacher is more productive than the one who is not. Meaning, performance is directly proportional to the level of motivation one attains. Since education is a very wide sector, Dunham (2001) says tha t the teachers should be motivated through the use of monetary and non-monetary rewards. In his opinion, these include salary increment, promotions, proper job design, participation and recognition of hard working teachers who display a high level of professionalism and commitments in their duties. However, Gomez-Mejia, Luis; David, Balkin and Robert L. Cardy (2008) hold a contrary view because he urges in favor of the provision of a conducive working environment as the best way of boosting teachers’ morale.
понеділок, 23 вересня 2019 р.
The Use of Social Media on Small and Medium Hospitality Enterprise Essay
The Use of Social Media on Small and Medium Hospitality Enterprise - Essay Example Moreover, all the bedrooms and other hospitality services of the organizations are highly decorated that would attract the tourists at large. It is also observed that High Beeches is one of such SMTEs, which extensively used the notion of social media in order to generate greater awareness about is respective products and/or services to the worldwide customers. Besides this, the organization has also undertaken the strategy of promoting its products and/or services by selling and distributing through Trip Advisors and others. Contextually, in order to undergo a successful study of the topic with regards to High Beeches B&B as the organization, a literature review is performed through the support of relevant and recent scholarly articles. Furthermore, a case study of the selected SMTE i.e. High Beeches B&B is conducted by using the approach of qualitative methodology with the greater focus on secondary sources. In this regard, for the successful completion of the case study, the current scenario of the SMTE has been comprehensively studied. It also includes the identification of the problems faced by the SMTE relating to the use of social media for promoting its respective products and/or services. Finally, certain effective solutions have also been framed for resolving such problems in the form of providing recommendations and a valid conclusion has been made in the lasts section pertaining to the case study. In this modern era of a competitive business environment and the evolution of pioneering technological advancements with regards to communication, it is often observed that a majority of the corporate houses of this contemporary world use social media networking sites to promote their respective products and/or services. The use of social media for promoting the products is equally applicable for the SMTEs.
неділя, 22 вересня 2019 р.
Project Management and Internal Function Essay Example for Free
Project Management and Internal Function Essay The HRIS project is necessitated by two factors which support our business needs. One of these factors is the need to keep up with the demand for our product within the marketplace. The second factor is actualizing a business that works as hard for its employees as hard as the employees have worked for the business. Our business has increased by two fold in the last 18 months, which means that we must create a new way of doing business. As a result of this growth, we had to revamp the financial system, which has actualized its contribution through showing up as time savings achieved through automation. As a result of implementing the financial system, we received our return on investment six months earlier than anticipated. How does it get any better than that? It is with the same dedication that the HRIS project is being given life and endorsed by the stakeholders, which support this project. Description As a result of this growth, we have just completed the transition of incorporating the financial system and it has been a smashing success. This new growth demands of us that we do business a little differently now. It is our intent through this project to improve the employees’ workplace and space in addition to addressing the changes that come about from expansion. There has been a marked and appreciable demand for our products over the last two years. As a result of this growth, we now require a better way of doing business. The HRIS project will take an outside and inside approach in order to create the space for transition and a better way of doing business. The approximate savings through this project would be actualized within the two quarters alone. Objective The objective for this project supports our goal of achieving a more robust production environment for our customers in addition to providing a better environment for future growth for our employees. It is our intent to support this project in the following ways: 1. Payroll will be automated and this will produce a faster and easier way for the employees to be reimbursed or to make changes to the auto pay options. 2. Our employees will be in a better position to pursue and create a career track for them that aligns with their own goals. 3. The HRIS process will allow for more transparency in hiring for those on the outside. 4. Potential employees will be able to see and apply for open positions. 5. Management will be in a better position to ensure that the potential applicants are well-qualified. 6. Additional funding now available from the implementation of the financial system can fund more research and projects to improve the workplace. Success Criteria or Expected Benefits The success criteria came from the various stakeholders and sponsors. The CEO of the company, Rory Genhardt, commissioned a project manager to spearhead the HRIS project. The project manager conducted several interviews of various stakeholders and sponsors in order to obtain measurable project objectives. The reports disseminated will include information gathered from the individual SMEs. It is this information that was used to present information to the stakeholders, sponsors and participants through reports, presentations, written, verbal and oral communications. The expert judgment provided by these various individuals was invaluable. They are outlined for the HRIS project as targets. Specifically identified from the various stakeholders of the expected benefits of the implementation of this project are the â€Å"recruiting capabilities†and â€Å"succession planning†for the CEO. Per the HR Director, â€Å"vacation and sick time and sick leave linked to attendance instead of years of services†, in addition to â€Å"tracking of certification and education requirements†would be a benefit from the implementation. The VP of Marketing would receive benefit from the â€Å"employee database and the e-forms†. The VP of Finance would be appreciative of the â€Å"payroll capabilities†. The most beneficial aspects for the VP of Manufacturing would be the â€Å"performance review management and compensation capabilities†. â€Å"Position control†and the â€Å"recruiting capabilities†would be beneficial to the Plant Managers. Funding Some of the funding available for this project was generated per the information contained in the GenScoop newsletter. The CEO of GenRays states, â€Å"extra savings will fuel additional growth and expansion to the company, as we are able to fund more research and projects to improve our workplace.†In addition to the growth experienced from the total sales in the last quarter, GenRay is in a solid position to support funding for this project as stated by the VP of Finance with a contribution of $103,000. Should additional funding be required for this project, the Information Technology Director will be sought out as they have approximately $360,000 available for hardware and software upgrades in addition to technical staff being available for assistance. Major Deliverables The following deliverables contained in this project charter were derived from interviews with the stakeholders who said: âÅ"â€" The CEO requires that commencement of the project is to begin after the W2s are issued per a request from the CEO as time is critical for the introduction of this project. The actualization of this project will create more â€Å"research and projects to improve our workplace.†âÅ"â€" Per the executive sponsors and the CEO, there is a request to complete the project with all the system elements being functional before the year-end closing as the anticipated savings will provide company additional funding for RD projects on the horizon. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. âÅ"â€" In order to keep the project on schedule, incorporating compatible team members during the performing stage will help to keep the project running smoothly and decrease down time. This is an internal function of the project outcome. This deliverable creates a stable foundation for the commencement of the project. âÅ"â€" The VP of Manufacturing requires integration of the searchable performance feature so that managers can review potential candidates who can be selected for the management program. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. The phase in the project allows for the HR, Plant Manager, VP of Finance and Marketing to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" The Director of Human Resources requires an awareness of which team members require additional time to move through the forming, storming and norming stages. This is an internal function of the project outcome. âÅ"â€" The CEO requires that the software has recruiting capabilities. The information derived will screen qualified candidates who are applying for positions. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. The phase in the project allows for management to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" The CEO also requires an integrated computerized system, which tracks the performance review information, to include certifications, experience and educational requirements which can be used for succession planning. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. The phase in the project allows for the HR, Plant Manager, VP of Finance and Marketing to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" The Plant Manager from Manufacturing Site 1 requires a self-serve employee database which will track and update the information on each employee. This is an internal function of the project outcome. The phase in the project allows for management to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" The VP of Marketing requires the implementation of business forms which populate E-forms for the ease of inter-commerce for more standardized processes among the organization. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. âÅ"â€" The VP of Finance requires an automated self-service payroll in order to save time and money. This is an internal function of the project outcome. âÅ"â€" The Plant Manager from Manufacturing Site 1 requires analyzation of the position control of the data entered by salary, grade and job title so as to provide equitable compensation to the employees throughout the site. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. âÅ"â€" The Director of Human Resources requires a capability which mines the data contained within performance review data and training records in order to ensure that the proper candidate is matched with most compatible candidate. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. The phase in the project allows for management to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" The Director of Human Resources requires the capability of self-service of employee’s information, which is then used and approved by their management in order to streamline the hiring process. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. The phase in the project allows for management to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" The Director of Human Resources requires migration of the older databases in addition to streamlining the information received into a consolidated database to include financial, employee, vacation, benefits, training, education and certification. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. Acceptance Criteria Per the CEO of GenRays, the major acceptance criteria is, â€Å"The project must be complete with all system elements functional before year-end closing.†In addition to that the following criteria are: âÅ"â€" The CEO’s acceptance is that the actualization of this project will create more â€Å"research and projects to improve our workplace.†âÅ"â€" Per the executive sponsors and the CEO, the acceptance criteria for them is having all the system elements be functional so that the company will have additional funding for RD projects on the horizon. âÅ"â€" The CEO requires that the software have recruiting capabilities, the phase in the project allows for management to have access to and use of this information. âÅ"â€" The CEO also requires an integrated computerized system, which tracks the performance review information. This phase in the project allows for the HR, Plant Manager, VP of Finance and Marketing to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" HR requires incorporating compatible team members. This criteria creates a stable foundation for the commencement of the project. âÅ"â€" The Director of HR’s acceptance requires an awareness of which team members require additional time to move through the forming, storming and norming stages. This is an internal function of the project outcome. This phase ensures completion of the project without personnel complications. âÅ"â€" The VP of Manufacturing’s acceptance requires a searchable performance feature which allows for the HR, Plant Manager, VP of Finance and Marketing to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" The VP of Marketing’s acceptance requires the implementation of business forms. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. âÅ"â€" The VP of Finance requires an automated self-service payroll in order to save time and money. This is an internal function of the project outcome. âÅ"â€" The Plant Manager from Manufacturing Site 1 requires a self-serve employee database. The phase in the project allows for management to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" The Plant Manager from Manufacturing Site 1 requires analyzation of the position control of the data entered by salary, grade and job title. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. âÅ"â€" The Director of Human Resources requires a capability which mines the data. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user. The phase in the project allows for management to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" The Director of Human Resources requires the capability of self-service of employee’s information. The phase in the project allows for management to have access to and use this information. âÅ"â€" The Director of Human Resources requires migration of the older databases. This is an internal function of the project outcome and a desired product to the end user.
субота, 21 вересня 2019 р.
Climate change Essay Example for Free
Climate change Essay In this era of industrialization there is no doubt that countries are developing in terms of resources and technology but there are repercussions as well. Scientists are of the view that human activities are contributing to not only a rise in world temperatures but also to the extreme climatic occurrences. Such climatic induced natural disasters have displaced many people from the shelter of their homes, have turned fertile lands into barren parts and have caused a depletion of fresh water resources (China tells rich nations to pay up on climate change, 2008). â€Å"It is predicted that the average global temperature will rise from between 1. 5 and 5 degrees Celsius over the next 100 years leading to a rise in sea level by one meter or more along with other disastrous climatic changes†(Climate Change: Economic Sense and Non-sense of Carbon Mitigation Policies, 2002). But the world today is so engrossed in reaching the top most position amongst industrialized countries that there is absolute ignorance about the causes of climatic disasters. Although there are people who believe that the drastic temperature increase over the last 100 years is a natural phenomenon, but the wide majority of the scientists argue that human activities are the root cause. â€Å"When it was realized that the radical climatic changes are an important issue and need to be tackled, the first milestone was launched in 2005, termed as the Kyoto protocol which aimed at reducing the gas emissions from industrialized countries†(Pettifor, 2008). But the main problem regarding this protocol is that some of the world’s biggest current and future polluters are not a signatory to this agreement as a result of which this protocol is unlikely to have any impact on the climatic changes (Climate Change, 2008). Population growth in such countries is allowing for the set up of more industries which will eventually accelerate the problem on hand. If technologies which cause less pollution and are comparatively cheaper are created and adopted then even countries which are not committed to the climatic change improvement will adopt them for their own economic self interest. Such technologies can be implemented in electricity production and transportation because these are the two factors which contribute to environmental pollution in all developing countries. In many countries carbon free alternatives have already been implemented for energy production and transport purposes and the added costs have been considered to be meager when compared to the benefits. Emission trading is a phenomenon that allows for the achievement of pollution reduction at reduced costs whereby a country which is able to meet its target of reducing emissions sells its pollution permit to another country which is unable to meet the target set (Howden, 2007). Policies are required both in developing and the developed countries to finance the regime of saving the planet. These policies include certain incentives and subsidies for the innovator who adopts the carbon free technologies in his production plant , taxes and charges enforced on those who fail to follow the reduced emission target and also government regulations that allow remove the barrier to entry for new entrants willing to adopt the lower carbon alternatives. In January 2007 the EU set out proposals for a global agreement on saving the planet from further climatic deterioration (Climate Change: Economic Sense and Non-sense of Carbon Mitigation Policies, 2002). Two key targets to be met by 2020 were set which included a 20% reduction in energy consumption and use of renewable energy resources to be increased by 20%. The EU countries also committed to cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions by 30% given that other developed countries also commit to reductions in gas emissions under a global agreement (Climate Change, 2008). It is the rich countries that need to be pressurized to take steps in the mitigation of climatic changes and provide finance for the poorer countries that may be reluctant to cut down on emissions since it would have adverse affects on their economy (Climate Change, 2008). In spite of the current economic turmoil which the entire world is facing, the U. S has promised to provide subsidies to the car industry to help them develop green cars which will help in creating a cleaner and less polluted environment. This step taken by the U. S motivated the EU member states to do the same. Similarly the German government is thinking of offering tax incentives to the general public to install energy efficient heating systems in their homes and to purchase the carbon free, environmentally friendly green cars. And the list goes not stop here, governments of different countries are thinking of providing subsidies to industries to produce green appliances, green airplanes, efficient lighting equipment, and better insulation and so on (Howden, 2007). To implement all this money is required which is expected to come from private investors. In the future years it is predicted that a vast portion of government spending will be directed towards saving the environment from climatic changes (Pettifor, 2008). China, one of the most enthusiastic country in dealing with the climatic change crisis has emphasized on the need for rich nations to contribute 1% of their GDP to help poorer nations counter the effects of the drastic climatic changes, to enable them to adopt the ‘green technologies’ and to simply assist them in tackling disasters like earthquakes, floods, heat waves and droughts (China tells rich nations to pay up on climate change, 2008). A main human activity which is adding to global warming is deforestation which has been occurring worldwide at a large scale. Carbon emissions caused by deforestation cause far more damage then either factories or cars do. Countries are implementing strict regulations regarding deforestation and have imposed penalties on those indulging in this act on lands where it is prohibited. No new technology is required it is just the enforcement policies, political will and incentives that need to be provided to government and individuals alike to make them realize the importance of forests to the environment. But poorer nations are unwilling to cut down on deforestation since it means compromising on their source of income and ultimately compromising on their economy. Forestry experts and policy makers have held meetings in Germany to try and put deforestation on top of the agenda of UN for dealing with climatic changes but Papua New Guinea, one of the world’s poorest nations refused to co-operate when it declared that it can’t cut down on deforestation unless it was offered financial incentives to do so. Natural forestation acts as a thermostat for the earth generating much needed rainfall and stabilizing the amount of harmful gases in the environment yet governments are ignorant or rather choose to stay unaware of this fact and are focusing more on implementing economic policies , encouraging bio-fuel subsidies and carbon capture schemes to tackle the problem of climatic changes (Summary for Policy Makers, 2007). For domestic users of energy, education and training programs need to be implemented to break down the reluctance of adopting environmentally friendly products and to help in creating a carbon free environment. For industries as well staff training, rewards system, awareness programs can reduce energy consumption considerably and reduce the green house gases emissions (Pettifor, 2008). There are certain economic policies which can be implemented to achieve the desired effects like taxes and charges on industries emitting carbon toxicants above a certain given level can be imposed which will induce them to eventually cut down on polluting the environment. Voluntary agreements between the governments and industries as well as between developing countries like the Kyoto protocol can accelerate the adoption of technological advances and cause considerable emission reductions (Climate Change: Economic Sense and Non-sense of Carbon Mitigation Policies, 2002). But on the other hand it needs to be kept in mind that although harsh regulations and standards and tax impositions may have the desired effect in the industrial sector but when it comes to domestic households, who are also a major contributor to environment emissions due to car usage and domestic heating, we need to think out of the box and come up with more feasible and practical solutions Individuals need to be convinced of the need to adopt technology and embrace ‘green appliances’ and for that the main motivation is the monetary incentive. Majority of the global population is not an early adopter of technology and for their sake it needs to be kept in mind that they will look for reduced costs rather than being termed the most techno-savvy person of the year (Pettifor, 2008). People need to be educated rather than forced into adopting renewable energy resources. Same goes for the industrial sector of the rich nations though harsher methods to cut down on their emissions can be applied as well by the government. It is the poorer nations that show the maximum reluctance and are unwilling to co-operate in the regime to save the earth from further climatic destruction. These nations are more concerned about their economy since already they are far behind the rich nations and on top of that the international bodies impose restrictions on them to cut down on emissions which eventually mean a restraint on their business operations (Summary for Policy Makers, 2007). The short term efforts that are being done to save the world from global warming and ozone depletion are basically a waste of resources and money since they tend to have little effect. It would be wiser to spend more yet come up with long term viable solutions which promise an improvement in the climatic conditions. Those who are worried that the cost of saving the world from climatic changes need to realize that the atmosphere cannot determine if the reduced carbon emission has come from an expensive decision or a cheap choice because it can only feel if the emissions have reduced or not. Works Cited 1. China tells rich nations to pay up on climate change. (2008, November). Retrieved November 9, 2008, from NewScientist. com: http://environment. newscientist. com/article/dn15148-china-tells-rich-nations-to-pay-up-on-climate-change. html? DCMP=ILC-hmtsnsref=news1_head_dn15148 2. Climate Change. (2008). Retrieved November 6, 2008, from EUROPA Commission: http://ec. europa. eu/environment/climat/home_en. htm 3. Climate Change: Economic Sense and Non-sense of Carbon Mitigation Policies. (2002). Centre for Economic Performance , 2. 4. Howden, D. (2007, May 14). Deforestation: The hidden cause of global warming. Retrieved November 8, 2008, from The Independent: http://www. independent. co. uk/environment/climate-change/deforestation-the-hidden-cause-of-global-warming-448734. html 5. Pettifor, A. (2008, October 28). Beyond the triple crisis: a green new deal. Retrieved November 7, 2008, from http://www. opendemocracy. net/article/beyond-the-triple-crisis-a-green-new-deal 6. Summary for Policy Makers. (2007, May 5). Retrieved November 5, 2008, from http://www. globalpolicy. org/socecon/envronmt/climate/2007/0504ipccthree. pdf
пʼятниця, 20 вересня 2019 р.
Interrelationship Between Systems of the Human Body
Interrelationship Between Systems of the Human Body Introduction This essay will consider the structure and function of the 11 systems within the human body. It will detail the interrelationship between the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system and between the circulatory system and the lymphatic system. It will then explain the roles of the circulatory and lymphatic systems in the immune response and the role of hormones in metabolism. Human Body Systems The human body is made up of 11 separate but interconnected systems (Sherwood, 2007). These are the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous, integumentary, immune, endocrine and reproductive systems. The success and survival of the human body is dependent on the ability of separate body systems to work together. The skeletal system provides structure for the human body, stores minerals, produces blood cells and provides protection for delicate organs (Kelly, 2004). 206 bones are connected with ligaments, muscles and tendons, with cartilage, a softer cushion like material, providing protection in jointed areas. Body movements are controlled by the muscular system, with these muscles being connected to bones via tendons (Adams, 2004). Stimulation of these muscles by the nervous system causes contraction and the resulting movement of bones to which they are attached. A number of involuntary muscles ensure the respiratory and circulatory systems continue with contraction of the heart and lungs (Adams, 2004). The heart is central to the circulatory system and acts as to pump blood through arteries, veins and capillaries. The circulatory system is responsible for delivering nutrients and oxygen to cells as well as removing waste products and aiding the immune system through the circulation of whit e blood cells (Jacab, 2006). The immune system is comprised of lymph organs, such as the spleen and thymus, and the skin, all of which are responsible for protecting the body against invading pathogens (Parham, 2005). The circulatory system and the respiratory system are closely interconnected with the latter bringing fresh oxygen into the body through the alveoli of the lungs (Johnson, 2004). The respiratory system is closely connected with the excretory system as it is responsible for the removal of carbon dioxide and other waste gases through exhalation. The excretory system eliminates both solid and liquid wastes in addition to these gaseous products, and is made up of a number of specialist tissues along with the large intestine, bladder, kidneys, rectum, lungs and skin (Sherwood, 2007). The physical and chemical breakdown of food into energy is carried out by the digestive system. This system commences with the mouth, teeth and salivary glands then passes through the oesophagus to the stomach and small intestine for digestion. The liver, pancreas and large intestine are also involved, through the production of digestive enzymes and bile and the processing of nutrients (Windelspecht, 2004). The nervous system is responsible for sending messages to and from the brain through neurons. The nervous system controls all bodily functions by sending electrochemical signals through the neural network (Llamas, 1998). The endocrine system acts as a communication network but uses hormones as chemical messengers which travel through the bloodstream (Klosterman, 2009). The hormones have specific target organs and carry signals to start or stop performing a specific function. Finally, the reproductive system is responsible for the production of children and reproductive hormones cause our bodies to develop into sexual maturity. Relationship between the nervous and musculoskeletal system Muscle is a contractile tissue that can be histologically divided into three types. These are: striated or skeletal muscle, which are under direct nervous control; cardiac muscle, which is also striated but is a specialist form that is confined specifically to the heart; and smooth or visceral muscle, which is not under direct nervous control (Nair and Peate, 2013). This latter form can be found in the walls of blood vessels and the alimentary tract and in arrector pili. Smooth muscle is usually in the form of flat sheets and forms circular and longitudinal layers, or can be arranged as a sphincter in order to control passage through a tube, for example the anus (Ikebe, 1996). Skeletal muscle is usually attached to two separate bones via tendon, fleshy or aponeurosis connections. Muscle action control is carried out by the nervous system (Stein, 1982). Contact between nerves and muscles often occurs through chemical stimulus conveyed by motor end plates, which instruct muscles to contract. Signals can also be sent through tendons via specific receptors that are able to measure the stretch of the tendon (Stein, 1982). Messages from nerves are referred to as efferent when they take a message to a specific tissue and afferent when they are taking the message to the spinal cord and brain (Craig, 2005). As such the nervous system comprises two separate but combined systems. These are the central and peripheral nervous systems, with the former being made up of the brain and spinal cord, and the latter comprising the remaining neural network (Cervero, 1988). This neural network comprises 12 pairs of head nerves connected to the brain and 31 pairs of spinal nerves connected to the spinal cord. Nerves which transfer information from receptors within the body to the ce ntral nervous system are sensoric nerves, whilst nerves that transport information from the CNS to muscle fibres are motoric nerves (Cervero, 1988). As such, the peripheral nervous system comprises collections of nerves, their insulating myelin sheaths, Schwann cells and connective tissue. The majority of these nerve cells are able to carry out efferent and afferent cell processes (Craig, 2005). Figure 1 shows the organisation of a neuron, with the body being the axon and the smaller projections being known as dendrites. The neuron uses the dendrites to obtain and pass information from and to other neurons (Spruston, 2008). The axon passes the information to other cells particularly muscle cells. The information is then passed along the neuron through voltage changes within the cell membrane. This is known as the action potential (Bean, 2007). Information transfer between individual nerve cells occurs through chemical agents which are released when the action potential has reached the end of an axon.
четвер, 19 вересня 2019 р.
Chaucers Canterbury Tales - Chivalry by the Knight and the Squire Essa
Different Perspectives of Chivalry by the Knight and the Squire in Canterbury Tales        In the medieval period that is described by Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, chivalry was perhaps the most recognized quality of a true Christian gentleman. This quality is explored in Chaucer's two characters of the warrior class, the Knight and the Squire. The Squire is in fact the son of the Knight; both ride gallantly and have the air of true gentleman warriors. However, the two are very dissimilar despite their appearances. The Knight possesses the true qualities of chivalry, devotion to service, constancy in humility, and honesty. The Squire possesses none of these qualities truly, instead his demeanor is a shell that encloses a less virtuous constitution. Although both claim the same vocation, the Squire and the Knight display contradicting attitudes in respect to dedication, material possessions, and sincerity. The most recurrent point in the description of the Knight was the abundance and importance of his battles, while it was the least mentioned aspect of the Squire. While the entirety of the Squire's military exploits are named in two lines, "he had seen some service with the cavalry / In Flanders and Artois and Picardy.", the list of the Knight's battles clearly dominates the text of his description, running for many lines: When we took Alexandria, he was there . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Lithuania he had ridden, and Russia, No Christian man so often, of his rank. When, in Granada, Algeciras sank Under assault, he had been there, and in North Africa, raiding Benamarin; In Anatolia he had been as well And fought when Ayas and Attalia fell... This pass... ...o some degree boastful, lusting, or superficial. The Squire was never directly criticized by Chaucer, but the implications that resulted from the description amounted to an extravagant, un-chivalrous image, a reflection of the actual knights of Chaucer's day. Because of the reality of the corruption that was portrayed by the Squire, the true and complete chivalry portrayed by the Knight was unknown. Therefore, it follows that Chaucer was not merely comparing two knights and delineating the virtues that comprised chivalry, but in a grander sense was re vealing many of the corrupting point of humanity by comparing the fundamental difference between the reality of our humanity with the ideal of perfection. Works Cited: Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales. Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed Mack, Maynard et al. W. W. Norton and Co. New York, NY. 1992.
середа, 18 вересня 2019 р.
William Faulkners A Rose For Emily Essay -- essays research papers
Rather than stating the true meaning of his works, William Faulkner generally uses symbolism to portray the depth of his tales. Throughout the story â€Å"A Rose For Emily,†time is a continuous theme that is portrayed through symbols. The past, present, and future are represented by different people, places, and things. One of which such symbols, the main character herself, represents the essence of the past through her father, her house, and her lover.      Historically, the Grierson name was one of the most respected names in Jefferson. Throughout his lifetime, Mr. Grierson played various roles in the community to further the reputation of his name and to earn his family a great deal of honor.     He also, however, had and air of superiority about him. His attitude toward women, as evident in the treatment of his daughter, reflects his old-fashioned ways and his inability, or his lack of desire, to move on into the future. Throughout Miss Emily’s childhood, her father believed that â€Å"none of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily.†Mr. Grierson did not allow his grown daughter, even at the age of thirty, to make her own decisions. Moreover, he did not feel it was her place to act on her own behalf. Miss Emily willingly accepted her role in the household. The name and the attitudes that Mr. Grierson passed on to his daughter Emily symbolically opposed the change that was going on around them.    ...
вівторок, 17 вересня 2019 р.
Canterville Ghost Summary Essay
The next morning, when the Otis family met at breakfast, they discussed the ghost at some length. The United States Minister was naturally a little annoyed to find that his present had not been accepted. â€Å"I have no wish,†he said, â€Å"to do the ghost any personal injury, and I must say that, considering the length of time he has been in the house, I don’t think it is at all polite to throw pillows at him,†–a very just remark, at which, I am sorry to say, the twins burst into shouts of laughter. â€Å"Upon the other hand,†he continued, â€Å"if he really declines to use the Rising Sun Lubricator, we shall have to take his chains from him. It would be quite impossible to sleep, with such a noise going on outside the bedrooms.†For the rest of the week, however, they were undisturbed, the only thing that excited any attention being the continual renewal of the blood-stain on the library floor. This certainly was very strange, as the door was always locked at night by Mr. Otis, and the windows kept closely barred. The chameleon-like colour, also, of the stain excited a good deal of comment. Some mornings it was a dull (almost Indian) red, then it would be vermilion, then a rich purple, and once when they came down for family prayers, according to the simple rites of the Free American Reformed Episcopalian Church, they found it a bright emerald-green. These kaleidoscopic changes naturally amused the party very much, and bets on the subject were freely made every evening. The only person who did not enter into the joke was little Virginia, who, for some unexplained reason, was always a good deal distressed at the sight of the blood-stain, and very nearly cried the morning it was emerald-green. The second appearance of the ghost was on Sunday night. Shortly after they had gone to bed they were suddenly alarmed by a fearful crash in the hall. Rushing down-stairs, they found that a large suit of old armour had become detached from its stand, and had fallen on the stone floor, while seated in a high-backed chair was the Canterville ghost, rubbing his knees with an expression of acute agony on his face. The twins, having brought their pea-shooters with them, at once discharged two pellets on him, with that accuracy of aim which can only be attained by long and careful practice on a writing-master, while the United States Minister covered him with his revolver, and called upon him, in accordance with Californian etiquette, to hold up his hands! The ghost started up with a wild shriek of rage, and swept through them like a mist, extinguishing Washington Otis’s candle as he passed, and so leaving them all in total darkness. On reaching the top of the staircase he recovered himself, and determined to give his celebrated peal of demoniac laughter. This he had on more than one occasion found extremely useful. It was said to have turned Lord Raker’s wig grey in a single night, and had certainly made three of Lady Canterville’s French governesses give warning before their month was up. He accordingly laughed his most horrible laugh, till the old vaulted roof rang and rang again, but hardly had the fearful echo died away when a door opened, and Mrs. Otis came out in a light blue dressing-gown. â€Å"I am afraid you are far from well,†she said, â€Å"and have brought you a bottle of Doctor Dobell’s tincture. If it is indigestion, you will find it a most excellent remedy.†The ghost glared at her in fury, and began at once to make preparations for turning himself into a large black dog, an accomplishment for which he was justly renowned, and to which the family doctor always attributed the permanent idiocy of Lord Canterville’s uncle, the Hon. Thomas Horton. The sound of approaching footsteps, however, made him hesitate in his fell purpose, so he contented himself with becoming faintly phosphorescent, and vanished with a deep churchyard groan, just as the twins had come up to him. On reaching his room he entirely broke down, and became a prey to the most violent agitation. The vulgarity of the twins, and the gross materialism of Mrs. Otis, were naturally extremely annoying, but what really distressed him most was that he had been unable to wear the suit of mail. He had hoped that even modern Americans would be thrilled by the sight of a Spectre in armour, if for no more sensible reason, at least out of respect for their natural poet Longfellow, over whose graceful and attractive poetry he himself had whiled away many a weary hour when the Cantervilles were up in town. Besides it was his own suit. He had worn it with great success at the Kenilworth tournament, and had been highly complimented on it by no less a person than the Virgin Queen herself. Yet when he had put it on, he had been completely overpowered by the weight of the huge breastplate and steel casque, and had fallen heavily on the stone pavement, barking both his knees severely, and bruising the kn uckles of his right hand. For some days after this he was extremely ill, and hardly stirred out of his room at all, except to keep the blood-stain in proper repair. However, by taking great care of himself, he recovered, and resolved to make a third attempt to frighten the United States Minister and his family. He selected Friday, August 17th, for his appearance, and spent most of that day in looking over his wardrobe, ultimately deciding in favour of a large slouched hat with a red feather, a winding-sheet frilled at the wrists and neck, and a rusty dagger. Towards evening a violent storm of rain came on, and the wind was so high that all the windows and doors in the old house shook and rattled. In fact, it was just such weather as he loved. His plan of action was this. He was to make his way quietly to Washington Otis’s room, gibber at him from the foot of the bed, and stab himself three times in the throat to the sound of low music. He bore Washington a special grudge, being quite aware that it was he who was in the habit of removing the famous Canterville blood-stain by means of Pinkerton’s Paragon Detergent. Having reduced the reckless and foolhardy youth to a condition of abject terror, he was then to proceed to the room occupied by the United States Minister and his wife, and there to place a clammy hand on Mrs. Otis’s forehead, while he hissed into her trembling husband’s ear the awful secrets of the charnel-house. With regard to little Virginia, he had not quite made up his mind. She had never insulted him in any way, and was pretty and gentle. A few hollow groans from the wardrobe, he thought, would be more than sufficient, or, if that failed to wake her, he might grabble at the counterpane with palsy-twitching fingers. As for the twins, he was quite determined to teach them a lesson. The first thing to be done was, of course, to sit upon their chests, so as to produce the stifling sensation of nightmare. Then, as their beds were quite close to each other, to stand between them in the form of a green, icy-cold corpse, till they became paralyzed with fear, and finally, to throw off the winding-sheet, and crawl round the room, with white, bleached bones and one rolling eyeball, in the character of â€Å"Dumb Daniel, or the Suicide’s Skeleton,†a _rà ´le_ in which he had on more than one occasion produced a great effect, and which he considered quite equal to his famous part of â€Å"Martin the Maniac, or the Masked Mystery.†At half-past ten he heard the family going to bed. For some time he was disturbed by wild shrieks of laughter from the twins, who, with the light-hearted gaiety of schoolboys, were evidently amusing themselves before they retired to rest, but at a quarter-past eleven all was still, and, as midnight sounded, he sallied forth. The owl beat against the window-panes, the raven croaked from the old yew-tree, and the wind wandered moaning round the house like a lost soul; but the Otis family slept unconscious of their doom, and high above the rain and storm he could hear the steady snoring of the Minister for the United States. He stepped stealthily out of the wainscoting, with an evil smile on his cruel, wrinkled mouth, and the moon hid her face in a cloud as he stole past the great oriel window, where his own arms and those of his murdered wife were blazoned in azure and gold. On and on he glided, like an evil shadow, the very darkness seeming to loathe him as he passed. Once he thought he heard something call, and stopped; but it was only the baying of a dog from the Red Farm, and he went on, muttering strange sixteenth-century curses, and ever and anon brandishing the rusty dagger in the midnight air. Finally he reached the corner of the passage that led to luckless Washington’s room. For a moment he paused there, the wind blowing his long grey locks about his head, and twisting into grotesque and fantastic folds the nameless horror of the dead man’s shroud. Then the clock struck the quarter, and he felt the time was come. He chuckled to himself, and turned the corner; but no sooner had he done so than, with a piteous wail of terror, he fell back, and hid his blanched face in his long, bony hands. Right in front of him was standing a horrible spectre, motionless as a carven image, and monstrous as a madman’s dream! Its head was bald and burnished; its face round, and fat, and white; and hideous laughter seemed to have writhed i ts features into an eternal grin. From the eyes streamed rays of scarlet light, the mouth was a wide well of fire, and a hideous garment, like to his own, swathed with its silent snows the Titan form. On its breast was a placard with strange writing in antique characters, some scroll of shame it seemed, some record of wild sins, some awful calendar of crime, and, with its right hand, it bore aloft a falchion of gleaming steel. Never having seen a ghost before, he naturally was terribly frightened, and, after a second hasty glance at the awful phantom, he fled back to his room, tripping up in his long winding-sheet as he sped down the corridor, and finally dropping the rusty dagger into the Minister’s jack-boots, where it was found in the morning by the butler. Once in the privacy of his own apartment, he flung himself down on a small pallet-bed, and hid his face under the clothes. After a time, however, the brave old Canterville spirit asserted itself, and he determined to go and speak to the other ghost as so on as it was daylight. Accordingly, just as the dawn was touching the hills with silver, he returned towards the spot where he had first laid eyes on the grisly phantom, feeling that, after all, two ghosts were better than one, and that, by the aid of his new friend, he might safely grapple with the twins. On reaching the spot, however, a terrible sight met his gaze. Something had evidently happened to the spectre, for the light had entirely faded from its hollow eyes, the gleaming falchion had fallen from its hand, and it was leaning up against the wall in a strained and uncomfortable attitude. He rushed forward and seized it in his arms, when, to his horror, the head slipped off and rolled on the floor, the body assumed a recumbent posture, and he found himself clasping a white dimity bed-curtain, with a sweeping-brush, a kitchen cleaver, and a hollow turnip lying at his feet! Unable to understand this curious The whole thing flashed across him. He had been tricked, foiled, and out-witted! The old Canterville look came into his eyes; he ground his toothless gums together; and, raising his withered hands high above his head, swore according to the picturesque phraseology of the antique school, that, when Chanticleer had sounded twice his merry horn, deeds of blood would be wrought, and murder walk abroad with silent feet. Hardly had he finished this awful oath when, from the red-tiled roof of a distant homestead, a cock crew. He laughed a long, low, bitter laugh, and waited. Hour after hour he waited, but the cock, for some strange reason, did not crow again. Finally, at half-past seven, the arrival of the housemaids made him give up his fearful vigil, and he stalked back to his room, thinking of his vain oath and baffled purpose. There he consulted several books of ancient chivalry, of which he was exceedingly fond, and found that, on every occasion on which this oath had been used, Chanticleer had always crowed a second time. â€Å"Perdition seize the naughty fowl,†he muttered, â€Å"I have seen the day when, with my stout spear, I would have run him through the gorge, and made him crow for me an ’twere in death!†He then retired to a comfortable lead coffin, and stayed there till evening.
понеділок, 16 вересня 2019 р.
Health and Social Care P5 Essay
Multi agency working This is where professionals from multiple agencies meet together to work towards the best possible care of an individual. They will combine their skills and do a single assessment to assess needs of the client, as opposed to each professional doing an individual assessment. Working in partnerships with adults using services This is where encouragement for the use of services helps to gain trust between professionals and clients or their families. By ensuring of policies and working routines, then the cared for individual can feel more confident that they will be able to flag up any concerns, worries or comments. It promotes a better relationship between cared-for and care-giver. ISA This protects vulnerable adults from people who may want to abuse them, or have a history of abusing. Before a paid worker or voluntary worker can work with vunerable adults, they will have to be vetted and have a check for no prior history of abuse. If a person has a history of abusing, then they will be placed on a ‘barred’ list and will then be unable to work with vulnerable people. This means that employers will have to receive appropriate references, have a DBS check done and check the barred list, before they can employ a person to work with vulnerable adults. Criminal Records Bureau People who wish to work with vulnerable adults will have to undergo and in-depth DBS check before they are able to work with vulnerable people. This check looks at their criminal history. It will show any previous cautions or convictions. No Secrets This guideline means that any group, no matter how big or small, must have a set of policies and guidelines about what is expected of the people who work within the organisation. It shows staff members what is appropriate and inappropriate care. Codes of Practice This sets standards for all people working with vulnerable people, such as nurses and midwives. Usually these codes of practice are overseen by larger bodies that regulate the workers. People who do not follow the codes of practice may be unable to remain in their chosen profession. National Frame for Good Practice and Outcomes in Adult Protection This sets a group of national standards or service models to show how best to deliver a service. It promotes multi agency working to provide the best level of care for a service user. Dignity in Care initiative This is a campaign to stop lack of respect show to service users and to ensure that their dignity is maintained through good and positive service. It encourages challenging of poor service or lack of respect. Human Rights in Healthcare This is assists and promotes the use of human rights practice in work within delivery of care services, particularly within the NHS. It encourages fairness, respect, equality, dignity and autonomy. Closer working between professionals This means that records to care will be made and then logged so that the care can be noted and continued or altered. It means that concerns can be shared and can bring attention to alterations in behaviour towards particular members of staff or visitors. It can also log any illness. The communication means that care givers can work together to provide continuous care. Care Quality Commission This ensures that all organisations under their watch are working to a set of rules and regulations that apply to them. They regulate the care given and inspect institutions to ensure that optimal care that conforms to regulations is given to all of the people in its care. Organisational policies This teaches staff what is expected of them and what is inappropriate. It also means that a complaints procedure will exist, so that people who believe there is a problem with care given can be challenged fairly, whilst people are protected from any possible ill-consequences of complaint. This also means that whenever a new policy is enacted, that appropriate staff training will be undertaken and explained. It ensures that staff are well aware of any consequences as a result of abusing. Decision making forums This ensures that the decision making process is kept clear and does not remain secretive. It gives individuals the chance to be an active member in the decisions that affect their care or their lives. They can be supported to make the best decision that will best affect them. It gives an opportunity for opinions and views on it to be explained, alongside with any procedures or guidelines that may be in effect as a part of the decision. Whistleblowing This is where a member of an organisation informs members an employer or a regulatory body of ill-practice within the organisation that they work in. They will be protected by the Public Interest Disclosure act, meaning that they will be appropriately protected from any suffering that may be caused by an individual raising awareness, such as dismissal or bullying. Effective relationship building This means that relationships between service users and professionals are kept appropriate and the duty of care remains the main responsibility. The worker must work to a set of guidelines or accepted values. The relationship between user and worker must remain professional and not overstep boundaries set by professional bodies. It means that whilst the wishes and dignity of the user will still be kept, the relationship will be equal yet maintain the importance of the status of carer and cared-for. Principles of care
неділя, 15 вересня 2019 р.
Qatar’s Economy
Business in Qatar Should one do business in Qatar? Qatar is a small country in the Middle East. I've come to realize that Qatar, just like any other country has it's poor and plentiful sides. Qatar is a small country with immense expectations for future business with other countries. Let’s start by looking at Qatar’s political and economic standpoint. While Qatar is more of a conservative society than others, it has set out on a path towards economic modernization and political stability. Amir Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani has been the chief of state since 1995 and has led Qatar to becoming more open to global markets.He is a strong advocate to having relations with the United States as well. In 2003 and 2004 the economy of Qatar was growing and expected to continue growing. According to Douglas Walter, author of Consider Qatar, stated that Qatar's economy is driven by revenues from natural gas and oil resources. Qatar has one of the largest oil reserves in the world, with as much oil to last as long as 200 years, that was said in 2005. I can only imagine how much oil it has now. Qatar is striving to make itself more attractive for investments and trade with other countries.With the importance of foreign trade on the economy of Qatar, export taxation is a primary source of funding public spending and development in Qatar. In 1994, Qatar succumbed to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, which is now known as the World Trade Organization. They have built its trade and investment state so that they are following their obligations to the World Trade Organization by reducing tariffs, removing unnecessary restrictions and barriers to trade, and providing foreign investor more opportunities.The United States is still trying to get Qatar to become part of the Free Trade Agreement. It seems like doing business in Qatar, is easier than some countries. Some companies that do business with Qatar have reported that going through customs is not a hassle. Qa tari companies and customers seem eager to work with Americans and like buying U. S. Made products and services. Qatar has a stable currency, and the country inflicts no foreign exchange controls.Qatar permits up to 100% of foreign ownership in agriculture, manufacturing, health, education, tourism, power and projects involved in the development of natural resources, pending approval from the government. Qatar is also a member of various international financing bodies. It levies no taxes on the individuals' income and no fees on exports, whereas he fees on imports are exceedingly low and are estimated at 4 percent. Qatar is also famous for its banking market. There are no restrictions on transferring capitals overseas, which make the whole of Qatar a free trade zone.The issuing of law No. (1) in the year 1980 regulating industry in Qatar provided for incentives for local investors in the industry field and in addition to the promotional incentives regulated by law No. (19) in the ye ar 1995 which facilitates the process of obtaining industry licenses and unifies the executive bodies that grant promotional incentives. U. S. exports to Qatar in 2004 totaled $423 million. Within the span of five years, U. S. exports to Qatar have increased by over 200%. All indicators – the growing strength of the U. S. Qatar geopolitical relationship, growth in the world demand for natural gas, and Qatar’s successful economic reform and diversification strategy among others – strongly suggest significant growth in future U. S. exports to this market. Qatar has its own specific rules when it concerns other countries operating in this country. There are several services that are available for interested parties looking to do business within Qatar, such as legal, financial, tax matters, business counseling, company background checks, and feasibility studies.Now there is not any personal income tax within Qatar, but foreign-owned companies must pay tax on corpora te income. One downfall to this is that U. S. Companies wanting to do business in Qatar will have double taxation. Now with labor in the country of Qatar, all non-Qataris must have a valid work permit issued by the Department of Labor to work in Qatar. Qatar has a new labor law which aims to balance the rights of employers and employees, also institutes hiring priority to Qatari nationals.It gives the employers obligations that the employment contract must be in writing, the recognition of the concept of end-of-service benefits, and limitations on how many hours can be worked per week. Now seeing a country prosper with it's oil and natural gas revenues and to see how beautiful the country actually is, who wouldn't want to do business in Qatar. I've been there and can see how a U. S. Company could become a success over there. I've been to several places in Doha and have seen familiar places, such as Apple-bees, Chili’s, and Fuddruckers.With Qatar’s great relationship wi th the United States, it couldn't hurt for a company to open up over in Qatar and bring more to the country that is striving. Works Cited â€Å"Qatar Now. †N. p. ,n. d. Web 21 Nov. 2012 http://www. diwan. gov. qa/english/qatar/Qatar_now. htm â€Å"Rules of Business in Qatar-Export. gov†N. p. ,n. d. Web. 21 Nov 2012. http://www. export. gov/middleeast/country_information/qatar/considerqatarguide. pdf â€Å"Grasp, Rules of Business in Qatar†N. p. ,n. d Web. 21 Nov 2012. http://graspcorp. co. uk/en/about/about-qatar/
субота, 14 вересня 2019 р.
The legalization of drugs
Legalization of DrugsThe argument over the legalisation of drugs continues to upset society as clip progresses. All of us have in some manner or another, straight or indirectly, been affected by drugs, whether it be from a household member or the economic load on society. Morton. M. Kondracke, writer of the essay â€Å" Do n't Legalize Drugs, †begins by saying â€Å" the following clip you hear that a rummy driver had slammed into a school coach full of kids or that a hopped-up railway applied scientist killed 16 people in a train wreck, think about this: if advocators of legalisation have their manner, there will be more of this †( Kondracke, 358 ) . Supporters of legalisation, on the other manus, frequently look towards the fiscal benefits and insist that drugs, peculiarly marihuana, be legalized and taxed ; hence, the authorities makes gross, and helps towards the economic system financially. Gore Vidal, protagonist of legalisation and writer of the essay â€Å" D rugs, †states that all drugs should be made available and sold at a cost ( Vidal, 355 ) . All of this may be true and helpful in a sense for a short piece, but looking towards the long tally many other facets besides need to be put into consideration. Aspects include additions in dependence rates, offense rates, every bit good as drug maltreatment. America is a consumer civilization which frequently abuses its freedoms. Knowing this important fact a decision can be reached that it excessively would mistreat drugs ensuing in lay waste toing outcomes. There is no a manner to halt drug usage realistically for there are those few that choose to disobey the jurisprudence, nevertheless it can be enforced, and legalising it is non the best option. If prohibited and enforced most people would fear the effects and would believe twice earlier utilizing an illegal substance. While the legalisation of drugs may sound reasonable and have some positive consequences, they are merely imperma nent and overall it is unlogical and merely leads to more corruptness, go forthing a negative impact on the American civilization. Today we live in a civilization where due to drugs, offenses and dependence rates have escalated. Drugs are related to offenses in assorted ways. It can be considered a offense to utilize, possess, industry, or administer drugs classified as holding a possible for maltreatment ( such as cocaine, diacetylmorphine, marihuana, and pep pills ) . Drugs are besides related to offense through the effects they have on a user ‘s behaviour and by bring forthing force and other illegal activity in connexion with drug trafficking ( Spiess, n.pag. ) . Persons who produce, sell, traffic, or utilize illegal drugs have already established themselves as people who will interrupt the jurisprudence, and are likely perpetrating other felonies, such as robbery, colza, and slaying. If such persons are in prison because of these felonies, they are non able to travel out and perpetrate other offenses ; nevertheless, if they are set free due to the legalisation of drugs who knows the result that would ensue. At a lower limit, they are at least off the streets, unable to bring more mayhem. Statisticss have shown that offense rates in states that have legalized drugs, such as Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Switzerland have skyrocketed. Switzerland, ended their experiment with decriminalisation after sing an unacceptable addition in usage, force, offense, wellness costs, and effects. Leting a metropolis park to be used as a â€Å" drug legalized †country of Zurich, the figure of nuts escalated from a few hundred to over 20,000 within several old ages ( Cohen, n.pag. ) . Take a minute and believe about this ; that was merely a park, conceive of the effects on a whole state. America is already known for its offense and drug rates. Imagine the effects of legalising drugs and what that would ensue in. Aboard offense rates, dependence rates for teens and grownups have shot up every bit good. Drugs can be closely related and compared to coffin nails and intoxicant for they have all resulted likewise in negative effects that have impacted the universe greatly. As Kondracke discusses in his statement towards drugs, 10 to fifteen per centum of all drinkers turn into alkies ( 10-17 million ) , bing the economic system an estimated $ 117 billion dollars. Similarly, harmonizing to Dr. David I. McDonald, Ronald Reagan ‘s drug maltreatment policy adviser, surveies indicate that marihuana is every bit addictive as intoxicant. They conclude that 6 million people will go potheads and 8.5 million will go coke nuts ( Kondracke, 360 ) . These are merely estimations, but the consequences could be much greater. When British doctors were allowed to order diacetylmorphine to certain nuts, the figure skyrocketed from 68 British nuts in the plan to an estimated 20,000 diacetylmorphine users in Lo ndon entirely ( Walters, A10 ) . We have already seen the affects and maltreatments of intoxicant and coffin nails from a day-to-day point of view than why would we promote or even think about adding and legalising any other substances. In a manner the point of drugs is to acquire a â€Å" high †or some kind of poisoning. Unlike intoxicant, which may take a piece to kick in or acquire a bombilation, marihuana and other substances are about instant. â€Å" Of the 115 million Americans who consume intoxicant, 85 per centum seldom become intoxicated ; with drugs, poisoning is the whole ideal †( Kondracke, 359 ) . Based entirely from basic cognition one can without uncertainty recognize why legalisation of drugs would be an irrational action. Drug maltreatment plays a major function as a portion of this argument every bit good. Peoples take drugs, in comparing to alcohol, to certain extents ensuing in serious conditions to even deceases. Aside from illegal drugs, people are besides mistreating prescribed drugs every bit good, such as cold and cough medicines to trouble stand-ins. â€Å" Drug maltreatment entirely costs an estimated $ 55 billion in 1998 ( excepting condemnable justness costs ) , and deceases straight related to drug usage have more than doubled since 1980 †( Walters, A10 ) . Though medicative drugs are made for a good cause they still are abused and have side effects that can ensue in a assortment of issues. Medical marihuana, for illustration, has documented possible side effects including insomnia, depression, facial tics and scrawny growing ( Katherine, 39A ) . â€Å" In 2006, 2.1 million teens abused prescription drugs †( Alcohol and Drug Use, n.pag. ) . If teens are mistreating legal p rescribed drugs at this age conceive of what they would make if illegal drugs were legalized. To give present twenty-four hours examples we can take celebrated figures such as Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, and Anna Nicole Smith who are merely a few illustrations of persons who have been involved with drug maltreatment ensuing in their deceases. â€Å" Michael Jackson ‘s flooring inadvertent decease in June was merely the latest in a twine of high-profile human deaths from the maltreatment of multiple prescription medicines. Actor Heath Ledger and the theoretical account and sex symbol Anna Nicole Smith died late in comparable fortunes â€Å" ( Clemmit, n.pag. ) . The above mentioned illustrations are merely a few of many to come if drugs are legalized. Supporters of legalisation have certain fortunes in which they argue can ensue in a positive impact if drugs were legalized and experience that drug issues originate due to the fact of them being illegal. These fortunes include legalising marihuana to do it a societal drug, and in bend would assist in profiting the authorities financially. Besides, legalisation would take to a lessening in offenses. So far this twelvemonth, about 4000 people have died in Mexico ‘s drug war – a horrifying toll. Most of the jobs stem non from drugs themselves, but from the fact that they are illegal. The obvious reply, so, is to do them legal ( Wilson, 32 ) . Supporters agree that if drugs are made legal like intoxicant and coffin nails society will accommodate and turn boring of it, seting it aside. It will be common and there wo n't be much ballyhoo about it. Harmonizing to Vidal, as stated before, all drugs should be made legal and sold at a cost ( Vidal, 355 ) . A huge sum of money is raised through authorities revenue enhancement from intoxicant and coffin nails. Supporters feel that the legalisation of drugs, chiefly marihuana, would make another point that could be taxed and can be good financially to the authorities. â€Å" Tax foreman Betty T. Yee, president of the State Board of Equalization, backs the program and says it could bring forth one-year revenue enhancement grosss of $ 1.4 billion. â€Å" I think the tide is get downing to turn in footings of marihuana being portion of the mainstream †( Katel, 19 ) . They believe this can be a scheme to assist raise economic growing financially. As for the offenses, protagonists agree that since the drugs would be allowed, there would non be any issues of robbery or battles since the drug trusts would be ran out of concern. They argue that prohibition of drugs is what causes those offenses. â€Å" Prohibition as a policy has failed. Just expression at the US, where 100s of 1000s of people have been jail ed and, despite one million millions of lbs of support for Draconian policies, higher pureness drugs continue to deluge the market †( Chand, n.pag. ) . These averments are valid to a certain extent, but overall fail and lead to more issues. In resistance to the averments made above, it can be argued that none of those fortunes would ensue in a positive impact. Marijuana would non go a societal drug, for the fact being that it would be adapted by many people. In add-on, though revenue enhancements could be charged, there would be other costs aside of it, and offenses would still go on to gyrate up. Marijuana would non go a societal drug because though many may acquire tired of it, the newer and newer coevalss would accommodate it and go on it as a tendency. Besides before it could melt off, there would be another drug. In add-on, to compare it with coffin nails and intoxicant, both of those are still alive and good abused today, so what ‘s the opportunity that marihuana would differ. The Indiana University Prevention Resource Center youth drug usage study shows pupils use intoxicant and other drugs more often and at younger ages. For the 3rd consecutive twelvemonth, marihuana usage increased among all pupils in classs 6-12 and in all steps of prevalence -lifetime, one-year, monthly and day-to-day usage ( Drug, intoxicant usage increases among Indiana pupils, 8 ) . Now imagine, that is merely one school out of 1000s across the US. Harder and harder drugs are being abused more earnestly as the ages addition and the consequences are lay waste toing. Prior research based on representative samples drawn from the general population suggests that people tend to follow a common developmental tract from usage of intoxicant as young persons through possible usage of marihuana as teens potentially taking to utilize of more serious substances as grownups ( Golub, 607 ) . As for the costs, they excessively would decidedly lift due to a necessity of new intervention installati ons and clinics. If legalising drugs save $ 30 billion now being spent on jurisprudence enforcement and offense, a doubling of usage and maltreatment agencies that other costs would lift to $ 140 billion or $ 210 billion †( Kondracke, 360 ) . The money would come out of our pockets for the authorities would non be able to fund and supply for all of the installations and who knows how worse the economic system could acquire. Furthermore, while the legalisation of drugs may diminish offense rates in some countries, it will increase offense rates in others. Traffic misdemeanors and accidents are likely to increase. Besides, many people are incarcerated due to a offense that they have committed while intoxicated, so how will the legalisation of these substances assistance in anyone ‘s good behaviour? Legalization could ensue in an addition in offenses because the trusts would be idle and looking for retaliation. Aside from the trusts, many people while drunk may drive, or commit felonies that may ensue in hurts, or deceases which excessively are considered offenses. A recent illustration in July affecting a adult female intoxicated and under the influence killed eight including her girl and three nieces due to the fact that she had smoked marijuana right before driving. The toxicology trials revealed that Schuler had twice the legal bound of intoxicant in her blood watercourse and had smoked marihuana s shortly before the accident ( Tresniowski, 80 ) . These are merely a few of many illustrations of what legalisation of drugs could ensue in and go forthing a negative impact on America. While the legalisation of drugs may sound reasonable, it is full of mistakes which may greatly impact the society and those around it. Drug issues continue to promote and spread out, and legalising drugs will no farther consequence in a benefit. Legalizing drugs can take to an addition in dependence rates, offense rates, and maltreatment. These issues will go on and should be farther enforced. The argument on whether or non drugs should be legalized is everlasting, but this can be changed. Statistics every bit good as mundane illustrations have proven the affects drugs have on a society, than why farther promote them. Enforcing drugs and forbiding them will assist maintain a balance between those who have already been affected and those unaffected.Plants Citedâ€Å" Alcohol & A ; Drug Use. †CDC Online. 23 Mar. 2009. 11 Oct. 2009..Chand, Kailash â€Å" Should drugs be decriminalized? YES. ( Cover narrative ) . †BMJ: British Medical Journal 10 Nov. 2007: 966. Academic S earch Premier. EBSCO. Web. 13 Oct. 2009.Clemmitt, Marcia. â€Å" Medication Abuse. †CQ Researcher 19.35 ( 2009 ) : 837-860. CQ Researcher. Web. 13 Oct. 2009..Cohen, Roger. â€Å" Amid Turning Crime, Zurich Closes A Park It Reserved for Drug Addicts. †NY Times. 11 Feb. 1992: 10A. Web. 12 Oct. 2009.â€Å" Drug, intoxicant usage increases among Indiana pupils. †Nation ‘s Health 25.9 ( 1995 ) : 8. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 13 Oct. 2009.Golub, Andrew, and Bruce D. Johnson â€Å" The switching importance of intoxicant and marihuana as gateway substances among serious drug maltreaters. †Journal of Studies on Alcohol 55.5 ( 1994 ) : 607. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 13 Oct. 2009.Katel, Peter. â€Å" Legalizing Marijuana. †CQ Researcher 19.22 ( 2009 ) : 525-548. CQ Researcher. Web. 13 Oct. 2009..Katherine, Ellison â€Å" Medical Marijuana: No Longer Just for Adults. †New York Times 22 Nov. 2009: 39A. Academic Search Pre mier. EBSCO. Web. 23 Nov. 2009.Kondracke, Morton M. â€Å" Do n't Legalize Drugs †. Readings for Writers ( 13th Edition ) . Ed. Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell and Anthony C.Winkler. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2010. 358-362Spiess, Michele and Deborah Fallow. â€Å" Drug-Related Crime. †Mar. 2000. White House Drug Policy. 11 Oct. 2009.Tresniowski, Alex, et Al. â€Å" FAMILIES DESTROYED. †Peoples 72.8 ( 2009 ) : 80-84. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 13 Oct. 2009.Vidal, Gore. â€Å" Drugs †. Readings for Writers ( 13th Edition ) . Ed. Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell and Anthony C.Winkler. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2010. 355-356.Bruno walters, John P. â€Å" Do n't Legalize Drugs. â€Å" Wall Street Journal. 19Jul.2002, Eastern edition: ABI/INFORM Global, ProQuest. n.pag. Web. 13 Oct. 2009Wilson, Clare â€Å" Legalise drugs. ( Cover narrative ) . †New Scientist 203.2725 ( 2009 ) : 32-33. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 23 Nov. 2009.
пʼятниця, 13 вересня 2019 р.
A Problem Statement Of Quality Services Information Technology Essay
A Problem Statement Of Quality Services Information Technology Essay CHAPTER 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION Library is the important place for the people especially the students since it helps the students in their learning process. As it seems important for the students, library should be able to provide a conducive environment in order to help the students to do their revision for example. In other words, student satisfaction is an important measure of quality while providing the services in libraries. However, students’ perceptions about libraries seem to have been largely ignored by library management in developing countries. So, the assessment of quality while giving the services provides an important feedback for libraries to assess and improve its services to its users (Yrd.Doc.Dr. Zeynep Filiz -2007). Good service delivery to students is one of the primary goals of service organizations like libraries and is the ability of any service provider to provide promised products or services. Libraries are essentially learning organizations stimulating ac ademic and research activities by providing access to world-class information resources. Traditionally, the success of any library is measured in terms of the size of its collection, staff, and budget. But in the present day competitive world, the libraries need to go beyond the traditional modes of assessments and apply marketing techniques for understanding customer requirements. Students focus in services delivery is essential for satisfying the students. The success depends on students’ perceptions or judgment on the quality of products/services provided by the service personnel in libraries and quality is the measure of how well the products/ services delivered meet students expectations (Manjunatha K and Shivalingaiah D-2004). 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT Quality services in library are very important aspect in order to satisfy the students through having continuous improvement and the students perception is an important aspect to reveal how satisfied the students towards the library contribution in helping them in learning process. Library must provide a good quality of services, sufficient of collection/information, good activities and staff attitude at the same time solving the challenging faced by them. This can ensure that library can play their role as an academic centre that contributes to a conducive learning environment. If the challenges faced not being solved, it will make students satisfaction become lower and it is hard for the students to find what they want in the library. Therefore, library must find out what kind of solution that needs to be done in order to face the challenges since every year new students come with different needs and expectations. Then, library should do the continuous improvement every time so that they could give focus on quality services which makes the service runs smoothly. For that reason, this research is made to know the quality of services provided by UMS library and any continuous improvement can be done if needed. The issues that arise is in terms of the ability of UMS as a learning places to contribute a conducive learning environment in helping the students to access information sources and University to produce a knowledgeable and successful graduate This is accordance with the mission of UMS library â€Å"Providing comprehensive resources and services to support the university requirements in teaching, learning, research, innovation and publication†. So that, this research can measure whether student satisfaction on UMS library services provided fulfill the students need through examine the ability of UMS library in terms of quality services, collection/information, library activities and staff’s attitude.
Experimental Communities, Schools, Organizations Essay
Experimental Communities, Schools, Organizations - Essay Example Their capacities to understand themselves increases and if they are wrong in taking any decisions they would never commit the mistake again. The children in their childhood at the tender age are highly humiliated and scolded like hell for not scoring good marks in their academics. The students of Utopian schools do not face such a humiliation. Education must wipe away sorrows and humiliation but should not bring fever and pain and tension to the little hearts. In these Utopian schools happiness boosts their primary strength to pursue their goals. The students here gain self-respect by accommodating and giving place to their thoughts opinions and decisions. Their creativity comes to light and they prove how competent they are. There are some negative points because which the theory could be sidelined or is not appealing and that points are, in these theory based schools the family values are given least important. Children are the dreams of their parents and they wish to play a very important and active role in the upbringing of their offspring. If parents too give them freedom and in school to get freedom, then there is an over dosage of freedom which may cause damage to their attitude at times. The children without the fear of anybody may turn out to be a daredevil. Another quality that is missing is self-discipline, which is needed by good citizen and the nation too which the Utopian students lack in them. Time is not always favorable and what if they fail in their attempts, will they turn violent and rapacious. Are they controllable by any one Will they have patience All these aspects are discussed and mentioned anywhere. Are all the children so perfect in their persona who never does any crime If some of them doesn't have any special skill or talent then whatAnother minus point is education. Personal skills and talents are given importance but education is not a must. If they neglect education with the play mood what then, If the children doesn't know about the place they stand, from where they have come, and the country witnessed, the struggles and sacrifices of their ancestors, they will not have any words in their mouth when their country is ridiculously criticized. It is like a child looses all his memory due to some accident after he or she has grown up. Who knows nothing about the past Knowing our ancient history is like paying homage to the brave and great ancestors. Also to u nderstand the political scenario of the nation, that is civics to understand the topography of the country, that is geography are necessary. In my opinion basic minimum education about all the subjects is a must for any well-groomed person. Is the life so precious that one cannot spend small part of life with the books It is the book that makes the man from a wild homo sapiens to a civilized man. Devoid education man is a beast. Some theories are not realistic because the real life doesn't match with the imaginary world. The life is the mixture of all sorts of emotions and feelings. A man cannot be happy always or in a same state or mood whole of the life, this is not philosophy it is the way of the world. For any one the pleasure and the pain are in equal amounts, otherwise, he may turn dull, sick or boring if the weather is same all the time and thus the things may not look that interesting as they were when
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